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[–] yagurlreese@lemmy.world 0 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

also F-35 Fighter Jet Problems Affect the Whole US Military Aircraft Fleet https://www.businessinsider.com/ongoing-f35-fighter-jet-problems-affect-whole-us-military-fleet-2023-1?amp

F-35 Aircraft: DOD and the Military Services Need to Reassess the ... https://www.gao.gov/products/gao-23-105341 F-35 fighter jets 'mission capable' only 55% of the time, watchdog report finds https://www.stripes.com/theaters/us/2023-09-21/f35-jets-crash-repairs-11446626.html

Not a Lot of F-35s Are Flying Right Now - Popular Mechanics https://www.popularmechanics.com/military/aviation/a42912833/f-35-availability-problems/

Inside America's Dysfunctional Trillion-Dollar Fighter-Jet Program https://www.nytimes.com/2019/08/21/magazine/f35-joint-strike-fighter-program.html

do I need to keep going? or are you going to try to keep gas lighting me into agreeing that actually you're right all the f35 spending is justified and its actually not just a collasal fuck up?

[–] yagurlreese@lemmy.world 0 points 9 months ago (4 children)

and also lets not forget America loves funding wars lol. so I don't even know what you're on about. sometimes it seems like we justify wars elsewhere so that sods like you can come and defend all this spending by pointing to problems we've created/exascurbated.

give me a break. f35 is the peacemaker you say? so ridiculous and you clearly don't understand foreign policy of you think the way you do.

[–] yagurlreese@lemmy.world -2 points 9 months ago

you're so dellusional mate if you think it's the f35 program keeping china from invading and not our deep economic ties with them. f22 is more but it didn't cost trillions to make.

not a good point. and no that is not the purpose of military spending that's the propaganda lockee heed Martin lobbiest shrill to our idiotic Congress people.

sheesh we are doomed because people like your need to bend over backwards to justify outrageous military spending. and no I'm not thinking of the f16 tests, I'm thinking of the literal pilots that call the f35 a sack of shit

also a higher stealth capability... for what mate for what we already have uavs for recon. military satellites. tapped into the grid of the entire world through back doors in like phones and shir.

we don't need a fucking jet and nothing you say will ever change that. you're literally justifting bullshit.

us not putting money into dumb shit like this won't change the fact that we are the world's largest nuclear power. thats the real thing keeping war at bay it's MAD not some jet bro when we have literally arsenal a on arsenals already of just aircraft CARRIERS

like what are you on about

[–] yagurlreese@lemmy.world -3 points 9 months ago (13 children)

yes I disagree completely. at the current price point out current arsenal is already more than capable than pretty much the entire world bro.

we don't need another fucking fighter jet when there's people in your population struggling with medical debt. with not being able to afford where they live and no means to escape and ending homeless. With schools struggling for funding. with a decaying railroad system and general infrastructue.

seriously all the things and protections that made this country great pre Reagan (well besides y'know blatant segregation) are EVISCERATED and you guys are here giving them a pat on the back for freaking 1trillion plus to a still not complete and fully ready project. and even if it was complete we've FAR exceeded the value. like it's just not needed bro it's greed.

it drives me insane to see this, and how apathetic everyone is. are we ever going to wake up from this madness?

[–] yagurlreese@lemmy.world -2 points 10 months ago (2 children)

yea exactly I'm sick of all this whataboutism about Hamas. Hamas is the sole response to the atrocities that the idf has started. they hold all the power in this situation, they have killed many many many more people then Hamas ever could. They have also committed and are committing insane like Nazi level war crimes and all we get is... okay but Hamas bad.

also lets not forget.. most Palestinians didn't even want Hamas. they havent had an actiall election in almost two decades. Because it's literally not safe enough because the idf keeps bombing them.

stop all the back and forth finger pointing, America could pull funding from isreal, instead of this E fleas posturing. If isreal wanted peace then we could hve peace but there will never be peace until the idf stops bombing refugee camps and hospitals lol.

so sick of all this whataboutism, obviously any killing is wrong but Hamas is just a glorified token a red herring being used to justify brutality on a Holocaust level scale. and we need to stop allowing it.

[–] yagurlreese@lemmy.world 4 points 10 months ago (5 children)

hmmm how do I follow that I'm using the boost app :) thanks!

[–] yagurlreese@lemmy.world 18 points 10 months ago (8 children)

facts. is there an egg_irl here? I'm new haha

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