submitted 28 minutes ago by bot@lemmit.online to c/scams@lemmit.online
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The original was posted on /r/scams by /u/strawberrypoptart666 on 2024-06-26 02:46:07+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/scams by /u/One-One-7855 on 2024-06-25 21:17:49+00:00.

Hello everyone! The title is basically the gist of what’s been going on for some time. In the beginning, it all started with a man she met on WhatsApp from a distant friend who promised her thousands of dollars if they started this business together. She proceeded to dump 20k into this so called “business” and was scammed even though myself and my family told her not to do it.

Afterwards my mother has unfortunately become hell bent on getting the money back that she lost via a bunch of elaborate schemes and scams. First it was likely some recovery scam via this so called “lawyer” now she’s apart of a romance scam who has evolved into someone willing to send her money as well as other high end goods for nothing in return. While typing this all out it sounds ridiculous but she’s stuck on the idea that it will work out in the end. Unfortunately she’s dumped a godly amount of money into who knows what. In the past she used to be well off with a set retirement fund, two homes completely paid off and investments coming in. Now I fear for the worst and I don’t known what to do before she jumps off the deep end. Any advice on how I can take control of things will be greatly appreciated! Thank you for reading and have a good day :)

TLDR: Mother is way too deep in scams and won’t listen to reason, advice on what I can do to stop this please and thank you.

submitted 5 hours ago by bot@lemmit.online to c/scams@lemmit.online
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The original was posted on /r/scams by /u/whatthediddly on 2024-06-25 21:57:02+00:00.

I joined a dating app a month ago and a couple weeks later I matched with someone. Her profile said she was 20 and she messaged me and we talked very casually for about a week and a half over text, nothing crazy or sexual. Thing is, in-between that, without asking she sent me pictures of "her" In a bikini, like 15 of them. I was like tf? Okay I guess. Never sent anything back, she said hey a couple more times, convos never went any further than literally what's up what you doing, working. Today I get a text from her "dad" from her number, saying how she is a minor and he's gonna press charges, I start freaking out like wtf is going on. Then, an "investigator" calls me. I'm freaking out even more like dude I've literally done nothing she sent me unsolicited bikini pics, nothing nude or like that. The "investigator" told me I could be facing criminal charges and jail time if the family turns the phone in, I can't believe that this is even happening, he says he'll call them and see if they wanna settle personally. I call my lawyer (yes, I actually have a personal lawyer from my past) he tells me it's a scam and to cease contact with them. After more digging and calling the investigator back to get more of his information, he wouldn't tell me where he worked and the dad called me and it sounded SOO suspicious on the phone. From reading others stories it sounds like they were gearing up to extort money out of me. I'm glad I searched it up first and called my lawyer. Thanks to reddit and this community. I appreciate yall.

submitted 5 hours ago by bot@lemmit.online to c/scams@lemmit.online
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The original was posted on /r/scams by /u/donegirloff on 2024-06-25 18:58:52+00:00.

Trustpilot is a scam. My family is out nearly €7000 after relying on a company’s reviews on Trustpilot, which is for the most part 5 stars.

However, after seeing how they remove my negative review INSTANTLY, and refusing to keep it up, EVEN AFTER I SENT THEM MY ORDER CONFIRMATION, my conclusion is:

Trustpilot is only keeping reviews that are benefiting their paying customers/businesses. So for example, they will delete any positive review for a business that does not pay them. And they will delete any negative reviews for companies that pay them.

I wrote a negative review (company is listed as paying for extra services on Trustpilot). The company is called E-Wheels, if anyone is considering buying from them, please reconsider (but that’s another story). My review was removed INSTANTLY from Trustpilot. I sent them my order confirmation, to prove I had purchased from the company E Wheels. In response, I just received an email from Trustpilot, saying: «Thank you for reaching out. We understand that you would like to know why your review for e-wheels has been removed from Trustpilot.

Unfortunately, to protect the integrity of our platform, we cannot provide specific details on why your review has been removed.»

This is insanity. Please do not use Trustpilot as a source, we did and regret it deeply.

submitted 5 hours ago by bot@lemmit.online to c/scams@lemmit.online
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The original was posted on /r/scams by /u/bonerjohnson on 2024-06-25 18:48:29+00:00.

I'm honestly amazed anyone could fall for this. She's about as technology inept as it gets. Some acquaintance convinced her to make a facebook when she has no idea what she's doing. She left some comment on some "country singer" facebook/youtube. Someone pretending to be celebrity contacts her.

So of course I try to explain this is fake. Try to hlep her block the emails etc. I notice she keeps getting all this mail from credit card companies. I ask did you sign up for credit cards? "no".

Suspicious of course it is. She gets a new mattress. I ask well who paid for that. She's old and no income and no relatives or friends are buying things. "Someone".

I'm more confused when I suddenly got a ton of gas points at a local grocery store. A ton of transactions I don't recognize. Figure well maybe someone put my number in by mistake. No ... of course she did it.

Finally try to find out what the hell exactly is going on. Yeah someone pretending to be this "celebrity". "They said they were real". Any proof? no of course not. They said they needed cash urgently. They'd "fly her out to nashville but they needed cash from giftcards". Yeah because that's completley believable.

Yeah they conned her into giving away her ID/SSID then signed her up for credit cards. Credit report showed 20 some credit card applications. Only 2-3 got approved since she has no income. Apparently they lied on the application to do that.

They convinced her to buy a mattress and they'd pay it off. They convinced her to buy 1500 dollars of gift cards. Google. Apple. Nordstrom.

I have no idea how someone could for someone like this that makes absolutely no sense. The gift cards are likely a complete loss since it's been weeks or even 5 days on the latest. No idea on the mattress but I'm guessing since she bought both in person she's just screwed even in the case of identity theft.

I've had her cancel the cards, credit freeze, fraud alert, and try to send a FTC report but I'm not sure if there's anything else that can be done. Only thing she even has on the scammer is some email and phone number likely just burners and fake.

I'm more annoyed than anything family I was trying to help just lied to me repeatedly because the scammer said not to tell anyone. Like hell ask literally anyone and they'll tell you never to give gift card numbers out.

Just curious if there's anything else she can do or if the credit and debt is just a complete ruin.

submitted 5 hours ago by bot@lemmit.online to c/scams@lemmit.online
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The original was posted on /r/scams by /u/TheOneAndOnlyBruce on 2024-06-25 15:21:56+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/scams by /u/LumenSerpensX on 2024-06-25 06:25:41+00:00.

I’m cautious about auto scams when selling cars. The transmission in my car is busted and I’m selling it. This guy wants to send a tow truck driver whom he is giving the money to to come collect the car and give me the money. I asked if he would be able to come sign the title and bill of sales, and he said to just give the tow truck driver the title. I’m a little cautious about this because by my understanding, if he doesn’t sign the title, and gets in a wreck, he can say I’m the owner of the car. Does this sound like a scam or am I being overly cautious?

submitted 20 hours ago by bot@lemmit.online to c/scams@lemmit.online
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The original was posted on /r/scams by /u/misterfuss on 2024-06-25 03:55:33+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/scams by /u/Swnurse54_1970 on 2024-06-25 02:44:47+00:00.

This is a long one so buckle up but I’m at my wits end and I don’t know what I can do now!

For a little background context, my mom was widowed in 2017, her and my dad had been married since 1967 and he was her first and only true love. She has been very lonely since my dad’s death, all 4 of her children and their families live on the west coast of Canada and she lives on the east coast of Canada. Unbeknownst to me she ventured into the murky world of online dating via Christian mingle.com which she felt was the safest and most honest place to meet someone! Because everyone on there is honest! Whatever! She is obviously not very savvy when it comes to social media and she started conversing with someone who she thought was a 70 something year old man from California(he looks about 50), who happens to work on an offshore oil rig in Scotland. 🙄She was chatting with him for about 4 months before she told me and by then he had his hooks in her! As soon as my sister and I saw his Facebook profile we saw the multiple red flags but she wouldn’t hear any of it. She was convinced he was real and that they were in love. He was perfect, he was a widower with one son, he was a Christian who wanted to spoil her. He wanted to travel with her and spend his retirement with her. He knew all the right things to say.

My sister and I both tried to get her to slow down, to ask him questions, to get him to actually call her on the phone and FaceTime her. She believed all his excuses as to why he couldn’t call or FaceTime. We both asked her if he had asked her for money and she repeatedly said he didn’t. He claimed he was going to come to Canada and be with her! First it was in November, then it was before Christmas, then he was going to meet her at the airport in Toronto as she flew home from spending Christmas with my family. Always a reason why he couldn’t make it, each excuse more outrageous than the last but she kept on believing. But I had my doubts! I decided to do my own research, I got his “phone number” from her cellphone when she was at my house for Christmas and not looking, which was really hard to do because she was watching that cell and her iPad like a hawk! I went onto a catfish site and sure enough there was the proof! The real person in the picture was a man from the UK that has had his pictures stolen from instagram and used by scammers all over social media! I paid to look up the phone number and that too was a bogus number that he was using from Tallahassee, Florida! There was no one by the name he claimed to be in San Diego at all. I also searched the employee list of the company he claimed to work for and not there either. Should be enough to make her see sense, right? WRONG!!

Against my better judgment, I listened to my sister and didn’t tell her about what I had learned right away! My sister felt that he hadn’t asked for any money and as long as she was only “talking” to him on Facebook messenger there was no harm. She was lonely and he was filling that void.

I forgot to mention, I am her next of kin and executor and as such she added me to her bank account, so I see all activity that goes on in her account! Now mind you, it’s not like she’s rolling in it! She’s a senior on a fixed income that pretty much lives below the poverty line in Canada. But she does own her home. So when I saw a deposit for $4000 into her account from one of those loan companies with outrageous interest rates to say I was freaked out was an understatement! I began calling her right away, no answer! I called my sister. Told her what was going on, what I suspected was happening too! Mom finally calls back, freaking out because I had called at least 20 times! I told her everything! I begged her to tell me she hadn’t sent him any money! I could hear the iPad binging away in the background! She was crying, I was crying! Who wants to break their mother’s heart? She said she believed me. I told her he would deny it, he would beg and plead that it wasn’t true. But I thought I had gotten through to her! WRONG! I work nights, had to go to sleep, I woke up to several messages from my sister telling me that mom had sent him $750 worth ITune cards. She sent the message to my sister by mistake with “hey babe, here are the cards!” I lost my shit!! She denied sending them, didn’t know if they sent or not! Blah, blah, blah. She said she believed me but what if it wasn’t true, what if he is who he says he is? What will you do? I told her if the man that she believes is Adam Thoma is the man in that picture, if he shows up in her house, I will fly to her house, get down on my knees and beg him to forgive me for doubting him. I said that will never happen because he is not real! I even went so far as to message the real Adam (his name is Adam Smith, he’s just a guy living his best life) but when I told him about the fake he blocked me on instagram! I was hoping he would go after the bastard that is scamming my mom.

So for a few months I thought maybe it was all over with. She wasn’t talking about it, but I was a little worried that she was too calm, too detached. My sister was thinking the same thing. He was still on my moms friend list on Facebook so I decided to test it out. I made a Facebook page and with the help of some of my coworkers I set out to catfish my mom’s cat-fisher. It took a while to get him to respond but then he did. He played right into my hands. I said all the right things, I pretended to be a lonely widow with a healthy pension and no one to share it with. It only took about two weeks for him to start professing his love! 🤢. And when I asked who the woman(mom) was that was commenting on his photos or calling him babe, he said he didn’t know her; twice! Once he said this and said he wanted to build a life with “Mary” (my alias) I figured I had enough. This would do it! If she wasn’t done before she would be now! I told her everything, I sent her screenshots of the conversations. She said she believed me. She said he gave her a story about being kidnapped and needing so much money to get his passport back. She said she knew he was scamming her. I thought finally it was over. WRONG.

It’s been a couple months, she hasn’t mentioned him or any of the crazy stuff he was trying to convince her about. He wasn’t on her friend’s list. I assumed she deleted him. She was talking about doing up the house, she said she was going to take out a small mortgage to pay for it. I knew there was work she needed done, and that’s really the only thing she could do. But then she sent me a message on messenger that she immediately deleted but not before I saw “hey babe”! And then I saw her taking large amounts of money out of her account, money that she was supposed to use to do repairs on the house. She’s still talking to him, she’s lying to me about it, she says she has FaceTimed with him which I know she absolutely hasn’t! Because it’s not him! And when I call her on it she gets all defensive and says “you’re calling me a liar” Yes because if he was real you’d be rubbing my face in it! So now she’s sent him thousands of dollars, she could lose the house that we grew up in, the house that our dad built. And she knows she won’t see it ever again but she still thinks that once he gets his passport back he will be released from the kidnappers in Ireland🙄 and he will come be with her.

So that’s it in a long dragged out post. I wish I had a way to expose this piece of shit that has done this to my mother. She thinks I did all this because I’m upset about her being with someone other than dad. When I deny that, she says it’s because I hate Americans, which I don’t but this guy probably isn’t American anyway! She tells me not to worry about her, that she’s fine, I told her I’m worried she’s going to lose the house but she’s just going to do whatever she wants! I’ve got to wash my hands of it for my own peace.

submitted 20 hours ago by bot@lemmit.online to c/scams@lemmit.online
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The original was posted on /r/scams by /u/BaldDudePeekskill on 2024-06-24 23:41:52+00:00.

We definitely have the technology to require that all phone calls have the actual name of the caller embedded in the caller ID. Why can scammers persist in using spoofed number and numbers from this bizarre area codes that I've never heard ?

submitted 20 hours ago by bot@lemmit.online to c/scams@lemmit.online
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The original was posted on /r/scams by /u/smapple on 2024-06-24 22:36:36+00:00.

Hello. I want to see if this is a scam or real.

My daughter plays Roblox and today she came to me with a conversation between her and friend. We’ve had many talks about safe conversations. The friend sent messages explaining that her dad hits her and leaves marks and she can only play if she can hide it. She then sent a message asking for my child to call the police to her house and gave an address. It’s not a full address it’s missing a zip code and some parts of the street address but gave the name of the apartment complex. Is it possible this is a scam or is this real? I gave the information to CPS regardless but I am wondering if this is a scam I don’t know of. Thanks!

submitted 20 hours ago by bot@lemmit.online to c/scams@lemmit.online
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The original was posted on /r/scams by /u/pierogzz on 2024-06-24 19:13:19+00:00.

I immediately said no I’m not telling you that - you called me and hung up. Curious as to what the end goal was here if this was indeed a scam? It rang my alarm bells because why would they want to learn my name if not for a purpose?

submitted 1 day ago by bot@lemmit.online to c/scams@lemmit.online
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The original was posted on /r/scams by /u/WyoGuy2 on 2024-06-24 04:08:10+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/scams by /u/Blunderina on 2024-06-24 13:08:51+00:00.

Hi I just wanted to share this to warn others from the UK. I'm feeling pretty dumb for falling for this looking back on it but there were also a few clever things the scammer did to gain my trust.

The scam happened over several days it started on Friday afternoon when I received a call from someone claiming to be from HSBC fraud team. Maybe this should have alarmed me but I have received unprompted calls from HSBC about possible fraud in the past.

They had a professional sounding male English accent and somehow knew my name. They said they are calling to report a possible fraudulent activity on my card and ask me whether I have made a transaction in Green King in Kent. I say no (I don't live there). They explain my bank details have been compromised. They try to 'find out' how they could have been compromised by asking if I have shopped at Amazon on Temu recently and explain that they have had a security breach with card details and passwords. He then went on to arrange an appointment at my local HSBC branch for a meeting with the fraud team about how to prevent online fraud (this gained my trust because why would a scammer ask me to go into HSBC in person?)

He informs me that because of the security breach someone has access to my online banking app and they need to remove them ASAP and they say in order to do this I need to log into HSBC to confirm that my phone is the real phone so they can remove the infiltrators phone by going to a HSBC website: www.hsbc.whitelistdevice.com I ask how do I know this is not a scam website and they say that a scammer could hide the website name with hsbc within it as HSBC is a government protected domain name (this is probably a stupid lie but I fell for it.) The website looked exactly like the real HSBC login (of course) Whenever I was logging in the man would say please don't say any passwords or account details out loud as HSBC would never ask for those over the phone. The website said the login was not working (I'm not sure if this was false or I actually couldn't remember my password).

As the login 'wasn't working' they say they are asking a colleague for an alternative method and after a short time on hold they ask me to login HSBCs website through their online banking app. I login and then receive a text from HSBC (this is a legitimate HSBC text) telling me an activation code. The person on the phone claiming to be HSBC says I need to type in the code to my app to kick out the other device and confirm my device (and keeps reminding me to not to say any codes out loud). What was in fact happening was that I was unwittingly allowing the scammers access of my device. The person on the phone says that I will receive a text saying that the device has been added but the scammer has blocked the texts from coming through until now and now HSBC has intervened I am receiving the old text of the fraudster infiltrating. Which again looking back is very dumb that I fell for this but in my head I hadn't successfully logged in on the other website I had only logged in through my real HSBC app, received a legitimate HSBC text at the same time he had told me I would and I hadn't given them any sensitive information. After confirming some transactions are me (e.g. 'there was a transaction for 12.99 on 21/06/24 who was the vendor?' He asks me to read my account balances 'for insurance purposes so they can note my account balance now and report if there are any fraudulent transactions'). Which again I feel so dumb for believing. He asks me if I have any questions and I ask why the security breach isn't in the news he says that HSBC is not responsible for how amazon deal with data breaches. He gives me a 4 letter case report number and says that he is dealing with my fraud case and if I call the branch I need to quote the case number.

On Saturday morning I receive a real text from HSBC about a large transaction from my account and soon after I get a call from the 'HSBC fraud team' again. Its the same voice before who confirms my case number and identity through name, DOB, address (which I am kicking myself for telling him). He asks if I have made this transaction obviously I say no and he says not to worry they luckily they have flagged it as a fraudulent transaction due to already knowing about the infiltrator a day before and noting my balances. He says that they will place additional security measures on my banking and ask for these details every time I call and that he has now disabled my app to prevent further transactions but he has booked me into the HSBC branch at 9am on Monday to set up my online account again and I must remember two forms of ID, which obviously looking back is a perfect way for me to not see all the internal transfers going on.

The same thing happens on Sunday morning with a text and the fake fraud team assuring me they have solved it. He told me all the transactions were made on Friday but they delayed payments to reduce fraud alerts. On Sunday evening I finally have the sense to call HSBC to double check it was them calling me (so annoyed I did not do this immediately). But the fraud line is closed. They assured me they did try and call me (which makes me kind of believe it still). And then this morning I called again and they told me it had all been a scam. I think the thing that made me believe it the most was him constantly telling me not to say passwords out loud, asking for the same details HSBC would to confirm my identity (the real HSBC asked for full name, DOB and address) and the fact he told me to go to the real HSBC on Monday morning so he knew the gig would be up and I would report on him by then.

Feeling like an idiot looking back but putting this out there because it was pretty elaborate and I don't want anyone else to fall for it. Always call your bank back if they ever call you!

TLDR: I was called by someone pretending to be from HSBC fraud team they got access to my account through asking me to login on a faked HSBC website and confirmation code on my phone, every time HSBC warned me money was leaving my account the fake fraud team would call me to tell me its all under control. The fact they told me to visit my HSBC branch on Monday morning gained my trust. Always call your bank back.

submitted 1 day ago by bot@lemmit.online to c/scams@lemmit.online
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The original was posted on /r/scams by /u/AloneCombination3213 on 2024-06-23 19:50:18+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/scams by /u/Lethersleep on 2024-06-23 13:06:59+00:00.

I found out last August that my mom was getting scammed. She claims she is in love and she was going to move in with her celebrity boyfriend. I did recon got the money back with the help of the police department. Fast forward to today and I find out she is still talking to this person and basically their mule on cash app. I have saved tons of text messages, conversations about her not being well and her unclear judgements for years. She is 66 but I think we need to put her in a conservatorship. Has anyone been successful in doing this in Arizona?

submitted 2 days ago by bot@lemmit.online to c/scams@lemmit.online
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The original was posted on /r/scams by /u/Ace1047 on 2024-06-23 20:47:43+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/scams by /u/Marleena62 on 2024-06-23 16:22:37+00:00.

This actually happened a few months ago, but I thought it might keep someone else from becoming a victim.

I got a unexpected bill in the mail from a computer company thanking me for buying a laptop computer (with details about the computer). I looked at my credit card (on-line) statement and sure enough, there was a charge for about $3600. I immediately called the fraud department of my bank and reported it as a fraud charge. They flagged it and sent me a form to make a "statement" that it was not my charge, and sent me a new card. They have subsequently taken the charge off my credit card statement.

I then called the (legitimate) computer company and spoke to someone that said that the computer had been sent out a few days ago via FedEx and had been "received". He then read back to me my real name and address and credit card number. I told him I never ordered or received any computer. Afterwards I even checked around my house to see if a box had been delivered (none). He later called me back and said that the box had been diverted (by my instruction) and picked up at a FedEx office instead of delivery to my house. They are doing an investigation with FedEx. I don't know what they are doing but at least I haven't been charged for the computer. It's creepy though that someone has so much of my personal information - address, phone number etc.

My lesson learned - I ALWAYS check my credit card statements on a daily basis for mystery charges.

submitted 2 days ago by bot@lemmit.online to c/scams@lemmit.online
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The original was posted on /r/scams by /u/Old-Practice5308 on 2024-06-23 17:28:01+00:00.

I was 18 and I joined Amway when I was young

I was an idiot and thought this was gonna be something special

Then I went to 2 conferences and realized how fake this whole thing was lol

Those conferences were so unimaginably cringe and weird

Looking back I want to ask you guys how much of a scam was this business model and do you actually get rich from it? Lol

submitted 2 days ago by bot@lemmit.online to c/scams@lemmit.online
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The original was posted on /r/scams by /u/ssspizzaboy on 2024-06-23 06:27:38+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/scams by /u/XoziVV on 2024-06-23 05:08:46+00:00.

My parents just got talked into a timeshare as. They first stated before going to the whole talk thing that the answer would no matter be a “no”. They later came back and said they signed and got one. Now i’m just a teenager but I know timeshares are huge scams 99.9% of the times. It genuinely makes me in a way disappointed and mad at them. But, they swear it’s a good deal. Now i’m trying to talk them out of it but I don’t think they will. So now i’m trying to think of a way to convince them that it’s horrible. Because I don't want to see my parents later struggle having to pay and etc. If there's anyway for me to show them how could i?

submitted 2 days ago by bot@lemmit.online to c/scams@lemmit.online
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The original was posted on /r/scams by /u/Glad-Boysenberry3711 on 2024-06-23 03:30:15+00:00.

This scenario happened to me twice in the last year. Wondering if anyone else has encountered it.

The first time I got approached in the parking lot of a supermarket as I was putting groceries into the car. A polite girl came to me and asked if I could give her some gas so she could get back to her hometown. Seemed strange - not asking for money, but for gas. There was a gas station barely a mile away, and even if I had wanted to help, wouldn't have known how - I don't have gas cans in the car.

Had almost forgotten it, but happened again a few days ago. I was checking my phone in the car when a guy and a girl knocked on my window and asked to get some gas from my tank to drive to wherever. Seemed nice, but it was two of them, I was alone in a nearly empty parking lot, so I just said Sorry and drove away.

What might be the deal with this setup?

submitted 2 days ago by bot@lemmit.online to c/scams@lemmit.online
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The original was posted on /r/scams by /u/schweetdoinkadoink on 2024-06-23 03:14:37+00:00.

I'm becoming very aware that bad agents in countries like Myanmar, Thailand and Cambodia are setting up scammer farms. In short they basically persuade foreigners to accept offers for employment.  When the foreigner arrives, they're whisked off to the 'Scammer farms', and basically kidnapped and forced to work as a scammer under the threat of torture/starvation. These compounds are like prisons with armed merceneries and barbed wire walls.  I'm not a conspiracy dude.  Here is a detailed podcast about it.

submitted 3 days ago by bot@lemmit.online to c/scams@lemmit.online
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The original was posted on /r/scams by /u/i-cant-adult-today on 2024-06-22 12:45:56+00:00.

submitted 3 days ago by bot@lemmit.online to c/scams@lemmit.online
This is an automated archive made by the Lemmit Bot.

The original was posted on /r/scams by /u/Calm990 on 2024-06-22 21:36:33+00:00.

I work in Philadelphia a few blocks from city hall. Today was the 3rd time I had middle eastern folk park their car and call me over. (I thought they were tourists asking for directions) “I’m here on vacation & I’m having a bad time I need money for gas will you buy this ring”. This seems to be a trend now with foreigners “on vacation”. It’s kinda of insulting bc they actually think Americans are stupid. I mean sometimes but we’re not THAT stupid. You’re on “vacation” & you have no gas money? Yeah sure pal.

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