Neither of those have happened - it’s tarnished brown and chipped but not green nor pitted.
It’s called bronze rot.
This isn’t bronze rot. This is poor quality plating that’s being stripped by bodily oils in less than a week. I’ve bought bronze-plated cheap Chinese jewellery that’s lasted for years under strenuous conditions before greening or pitting.
He said himself he wore it while sweaty and let his friends wear it as well. Doesn’t give an excuse for the damned thing degrading in a week.
But sure, criticize the winner not the people who made it. Typical.
A week is enough time? Nah.
Neither of those have happened - it’s tarnished brown and chipped but not green nor pitted.
This isn’t bronze rot. This is poor quality plating that’s being stripped by bodily oils in less than a week. I’ve bought bronze-plated cheap Chinese jewellery that’s lasted for years under strenuous conditions before greening or pitting.
I seriously doubt this fast. The Olympics have always had bronze medals. This is the first time we're seeing this..