this post was submitted on 16 Aug 2024
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So I'm gonna be a crying mess because i tried out Hunt Showdown 1896 yesterday trying to run away and find somewhere safe away from all the monsters and end up trying to dodge being conscripted into ww1 a few years later. At least if I survive I can try to work my way into joining the Bolsheviks or grifting my way into economic and political power through abuse of future knowledge and try and lobby FDR to keep Wallace as his VP. Lots of possibilities as long as I can escape that spiritual hocus pocus zombie bullshit.

What about you folks?

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[–] 14 points 1 month ago

Last video game I played was Darktide so I am straight up not having a good time over here on planet plague.

Game before that was No Man's Sky, I think I prefer cozy space exploration to catching a mortal case of diarrhea while serving the penal legion.