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You know what? Instead of getting into the weeds here, you keep telling people that nationalism is a good thing. Go right ahead.
You the missed the point entirely, but whatever. My client is out of room to continue this thread properly anyway.
If anything, I am grouping nationalism together. Stop with that trite "moving goalposts" bullshit. There is nothing I am avoiding here. From the start, your flavor of nationalism is how I quoted Gaulle which encompasses your particular flavor of American nationalism.
Nationalism has nothing to do with patriotism and you are conflating the two. American nationalism is just as toxic as any other form of nationalism and it aligns perfectly with the examples of rhetoric I called out. You gave a perfect example of "if you don't agree with this thing, the you are anti-patriotic or anti-american".
Like it or hate it, Christian Nationalism has infected what was once american conservatism and the Republican party. The only thing "conservative" politicians do these days is complain about everyone else that isn't "conservative" or "christian". If you claim to be Republican and disagree with Trumpisim, you then become a RINO.
Fuck that "thank you for your service" bullshit. It's borderline insulting and not a single service member I know would ever say that to another.