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It's been democratically instituted many times. And every time America marches in and "liberates" them.
It's difficult to provide good examples when they're all actively destroyed.
Cuba. Cuba has the most educated population in North America, more doctors per capita then almost any other nation. The only reason they're struggling is because America's embargo. They want stuff too.
Yellow Parenti on the power of literacy, in Cuba where he visited specifically.
There is a Brazilian right-winger moron that said this golden statement: "there is only three things that works in Cuba: Security, Education and Healthcare".
For him that's a bad thing btw.
Mostly this, although Vietnam is doing quite well, especially considering their circumstances.
Cuba is also really interesting...not thriving, to be sure, but you have to end the US blockade before you blame them for their own hardships. And in spite of everything, they have democracy like we've never seen in the west.
Edit: also what beejboytyson said about Cuba.
The US dropped more napalm, and bombs, and agent orange on vietnam (a comparatively small country) than it did during all of WW2. Lots of its people are still suffering from this atrocity.
Sadly true. And most people aren't aware that they did pretty much the same thing to Laos, who they weren't even at war with. They just carpet bombed the whole country, "just in case."
Fuck the USA. They're literally the evil empire from star wars.
It's so funny that george lucas was like: "the rebels are the vietnamese communists, and the empire is the USA (its soldiers the storm troopers)" and somehow a lot of modern star wars fans are extremely pro-US, and never connect the dots.
IMO the biggest critique of star wars, its that lucas didn't focus at all on the lives of the stormtruppen, and force its audience in the imperial core to look in the mirror, at their values, their chauvinist culture, their pro-war ideology and news media.
Still gotta keep blaming the rebels for all the world's problems.
That's true, the storm troopers and stuff are basically presented as automatons. I guess some audiences like not having to think, but it would have been much more impactful to show them as people with their own beliefs and motivations and stuff.
There's a lot of short stories about that in various books, though they tend to overuse both the tropes of banality of evil and the cackling evil maniacs.
Oh interesting, I've never really delved past the movies.
They did also choose to humanize a storm trooper with Finn in the new films, but I don't remember him going through any "deprogramming" or anything, he just kinda realizes he's a nice guy one day.
It would have been much more interesting to see him struggle with his changing worldview.
From recent books, short stories anthology "From a Certain Point of View" have some quite good ones, can recommend.
Well, I am always looking for book recommendations... I'll put this on my list 🙂
Fuck Kissinger.
May he have pineapples shoved up his arse in hell, right next to old hitler.
Yeah but all forms of government are constantly attacked. You’re like a multicellular organism crying foul because bacteria and other pathogens are trying to invade it.
One of the reasons capitalism wins is it produces enough wealth to win wars. Consistently. The same wealth that leads to ever-lower levels of poverty also wins wars.
Imperialism, the highest stage of capitalism causes wars.
WWI was an inter-imperialist war. WWII was two wars: on the Western front it was an inter-imperialist war and on the Eastern front it was largely a war to crush socialism. Most of the wars since then have been imperialist wars of aggression against imperialized states, many of them by the United States, the global imperialist hegemon that has over 750 overseas military bases.
Where have you been during the last 40 years of neoliberalism and neocolonialism?
And explain this: United Nations, 2019: Helping 800 Million People Escape Poverty Was Greatest Such Effort in History, Says Secretary-General, on Seventieth Anniversary of China’s Founding
I have bad news for you about the rate of poverty...
You could've just typed "No".
All the other things you've typed is nonsense anyways.
How so?
In the "I disagree but can't articulate a cogent reason for it" sense of the word "nonsense", of course. 🙄
Might be worth reading up on history to put some facts behind those feelings. Either you'll find out you're right or you'll update your beliefs to be more correct.
My country was on the path of the democratically instituted socialism thing. Well, it tried but the United States instigated, funded and armed a military coup and the military dictatorship that followed.
Guess it's better to have torture camps than gobbunism
Ever stop to think that if one person or family is in charge then you're not a communism to begin with? The bare definition of communism is workers owning the means of production. You don't own shit in a dictatorship.
Democratic Socialism is alive and well in many countries without any U.S. intervention. You must be referring to the fascist kind.
Ah, yes, the United States famously only interferes in fascist countries and not for benefit of plutocrats.
Also, which demsoc countries are you talking about where the means of production are controlled by the working class?
You don't seem to know what democratic socialism means.
Oh, here come the uppity remarks, I am a dual citizen of a country with a socialist party, thanks for the down-the-nose leer in my direction without providing any education.
Good for you. Does the working class control the means of production in your country?
Do you think clerical workers aren't workers or what the fuck even is it you're saying?
Jesse what the fuck are you talking about?
You seem to be conflating anarcho-syndicalism with all other forms of socialism.
Is that socialist party in power? Is it actually socialist, or does it just call itself that? Because a lot of European “socialist” parties aren’t; most are liberal social welfare parties at best.
What is "Democratic Socialism" in your eyes?
So every AES state is also Democratic Socialist too.
Or do you mean Socialism established through liberal reform? That's very rare, only really established in countries like Chile under Allende, before the US supported a coup to overthrow him.
That's underselling it. Before he was even president, the CIA kidnapped and killed the Commander in Chief of the Chilean army for refusing to send the army during his inauguration. There was political and economical warfare for fear of a "functioning socialist government" in South America. According to Nixon "the choice of government by the Chileans was unacceptable".
Democracy is mathematically impossible
They are rational, and they work as intended, it’s just that they’re not popular democracies, they’re bourgeois democracies, designed by & for the capitalist class and against the working class. They’re not meant to represent us.
Take the US, which has has been ruled by the bourgeoisie since the 1776 bourgeois revolution. The wealthy, white, male land-owning, largely slave-owning Founding Fathers intentionally constructed a bourgeois state with “checks and balances” against the “tyranny of the majority.” It was never meant to represent the majority—the working class—and it never has, despite eventually allowing women and non-whites (who aren’t disenfranchised by the carceral system) to vote. BBC: [Princeton] Study: US is an oligarchy, not a democracy
Ah yes my favorite authoritative source on the mathematics of democracy: a YouTube video.
Fuck off
Veritasium is legit, they cite their sources and explain concepts exceptionally well.
However, I don't think the conclusion of the video is "Democracy is mathematically impossible", but rather "perfect representation in a democracy" is mathematically impossible (but can still be much much better than FPTP).
The video basically goes through all the top voting systems and explains their pros and cons and the history of the mathematicians who invented the systems.
It's not even that. The more accurate title would be "Ranked voting types cannot mathematically meet all of the requirements of democracy this one guy made"
The whole video I wanted to yell out "so switch to approval voting".
The dude makes some pretty legit videos. He has a PhD in physics education research. Using YouTube is just a sign of the time we live in. Imagine if your professor quit their job to become a YouTuber because they thought it'd be a more effective medium for education than a whiteboard.
Mathematics is, in a sense, about abstraction and generalization, and the video covers an ideal, or set of axioms, you'd want from a voting system. This perfect system was proven to be impossible and the researcher was granted the Nobel prize in economics. In short, there can be no perfect voting system, and we must accept a compromise (much like an engineer). You can also say mathematics is about proofs, and, no matter how unintuitive something might seem, it leaves no room for doubt. It doesn't hardly matter if the source comes from a YouTube video.
Edit: I don't agree with the context the video was posted, but I was bothered by this response to it.
The title of that video is wildly misleading click bait. We should just switch to approval voting and be done with it.