“To the Feds, I'll keep this short, because I do respect what you do for our country. To save you a lengthy investigation, I state plainly that I wasn't working with anyone. This was fairly trivial: some elementary social engineering, basic CAD, a lot of patience. The spiral notebook, if present, has some straggling notes and To Do lists that illuminate the gist of it. My tech is pretty locked down because I work in engineering so probably not much info there. I do apologize for any strife of traumas but it had to be done. Frankly, these parasites simply had it coming. A reminder: the US has the #1 most expensive healthcare system in the world, yet we rank roughly #42 in life expectancy. United is the [indecipherable] largest company in the US by market cap, behind only Apple, Google, Walmart. It has grown and grown, but as our life expectancy? No the reality is, these [indecipherable] have simply gotten too powerful, and they continue to abuse our country for immense profit because the American public has allwed them to get away with it. Obviously the problem is more complex, but I do not have space, and frankly I do not pretend to be the most qualified person to lay out the full argument. But many have illuminated the corruption and greed (e.g.: Rosenthal, Moore), decades ago and the problems simply remain. It is not an issue of awareness at this point, but clearly power games at play. Evidently I am the first to face it with such brutal honesty.”
Post got removed in .world for not being a "news source" even though Klippenstein is definitely a very established independent journalist, so trying again here I guess.
Is that 3 or 250 page copy?
Asking for a friend.
I have a weird feeling they are making this shit up as they go.
The info drip drives us where they want us talking at every turn.
Nobody is talking about the dead parasite or the corruption. I think they are looking for this to blow over.
The reporting I saw stated it was a 250-some-odd WORD manifesto, not pages.
286, same as the amount of people he was following on twitter, distance the McDonald’s was from the scene, and the Pokémon index id of the one in his Twitter banner.
Proverb 28:6
Better is a poor man who walks in his integrity than a rich man who is crooked in his ways.
Luigi 1:7
I guess it depends on how you count...
262 words here:
Also 262 words:
Using your methodology, Proverbs 26:2
As the bird by wandering, as the swallow by flying, so the curse causeless shall not come.
Hmm... I never did like the King James version.
As the sparrow escapes, and the swallow flies away, so the undeserved curse will never hit its mark.
You're really having this conversation here...
... while simultaneously being part of the mod team that bans this source and topic in all the .world instances you moderate?
Oh I was assuming based on all the other stuff.
Seems odd to plan all that and stop 2 dozen words short.
86'd the CEO
That youtube video suggested DEC 11 something.
Also 286 preverbs also got a zinger message
I guess all of this could be a coincidence every high attention event generally some weird number and pattern. I am starting to think that if you look close enough there is always one.
The furthest two points in Altoona and NYC are no more than 240 mi apart.
McDs to Hilton Dt Manhatten gives me 283, guess its one of the other McDs though
Ty... I could have mis read. Did anyone else see pages?
I've only seen 250 words stated. But all of those people could have been referencing the same incorrect source.
I don't know what's so suspicious. The manifesto's pretty clear and* to the point and what I'd expect. Certainly not what I'd expect some leech to make up to make him look crazy.
Strong point it is pretty direct and to the point. Apparently reddit suppressing it.
I am not sure why even try, this the hotest piece of text content released in decades or century
If he posted under his Twitter account, he would prolly hit 10millie subs within few days lol
Eh, it's really not all that exciting. It's more a note to police with a brief motive outline than a manifesto. That's not a diss. With the words on the casings the act was manifesto in and of itself. In fact I think this gives a much smaller character attack surface than a long rambling manifesto could.
Making it up? Lemme tell you a secret:
If you want to fight this the easiest way is to blow the man up into legend status. Create a martyr. Play their game. Imo at least.
I am starting to lose faith that Luigi is the Adjuster tbh
Media is working too hard to protray Luigi as him but so far if we look at verifable facts:
But where is the evidence that he actually did the job?
Couldn't help but notice you in several threads doubting everything. Don't think you ever bought any of it. You sound conspiratorial