submitted 7 months ago by ArbiterXero@lemmy.world to c/adhd@lemmy.world

Everyone I know that likes orange pop is kinda adhd, it just feels like the flavour of kids who can’t sit still, thoughts?

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[-] xkforce@lemmy.world 2 points 7 months ago
  1. There does not appear to be any study showing a causal or correlational link between BVO consumption and hyperactivity or ADHD.

  2. Even if there was, orange sodas are one of many that contained BVO which means that you would expect any drink with BVO in it to correlate with ADHD not just orange flavored ones.

[-] Mojojojo1993@lemmy.world 0 points 7 months ago

On unlikely they'd be a link. Just coincidence. I'd assume anything laden with corn syrup would disrupt ADHD but that's purely an uneducated guess

[-] xkforce@lemmy.world 4 points 7 months ago

It could also be that fanta is caffeine free and caffeine is known to help with ADHD symptoms. So it may not be what theyre drinking so much as what they aren't.

this post was submitted on 06 Nov 2023
12 points (63.0% liked)


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