The Colorado Supreme Court is removing former President Donald Trump from the primary ballot, saying he is ineligible to be president.
In a stunning and unprecedented decision, the Colorado Supreme Court removed former President Donald Trump from the state’s 2024 ballot, ruling that he isn’t an eligible presidential candidate because of the 14th Amendment’s “insurrectionist ban.”
“Even when the siege on the Capitol was fully underway, he continued to support it by repeatedly demanding that Vice President (Mike) Pence refuse to perform his constitutional duty and by calling Senators to persuade them to stop the counting of electoral votes.
“President Trump’s direct and express efforts, over several months, exhorting his supporters to march to the Capitol to prevent what he falsely characterized as an alleged fraud on the people of this country were indisputably overt and voluntary.”
Ratified after the Civil War, the 14th Amendment says officials who take an oath to support the Constitution are banned from future office if they “engaged in insurrection.” But the wording is vague, it doesn’t explicitly mention the presidency, and has only been applied twice since 1919.
We have full confidence that the U.S. Supreme Court will quickly rule in our favor and finally put an end to these unAmerican lawsuits,” Trump campaign spokesperson Steven Cheung said in a statement.
Chief Justice Brian Boatright, one of the three dissenters on the seven-member court, wrote that he believes Colorado election law “was not enacted to decide whether a candidate engaged in insurrection,” and said he would have dismissed the challenge to Trump’s eligibility.
AP: Colorado Supreme Court bans Trump from the state’s ballot under Constitution’s insurrection clause |
Washington Post: Donald Trump is barred from Colorado’s 2024 primary ballot, the state Supreme Court rules |
CNBC: Colorado Supreme Court disqualifies Trump from 2024 ballot, pauses ruling to allow appeal | @return2ozma
NBC News: Colorado Supreme Court kicks Donald Trump off the state's 2024 ballot for violating the U.S. Constitution. | 18-24-61-B-17-17-4
CNN: Colorado Supreme Court removes Trump from 2024 ballot | A Phlaming Phoenix
CNN:Colorado Supreme Court removes Trump from 2024 ballot based on 14th Amendment’s ‘insurrectionist ban’ | @Boddhisatva
New York Times: Trump Is Disqualified From the 2024 Ballot, Colorado Supreme Court Rules |

Prince and Michael had the same rich doctor, funny how both of those turned out.
Let’s hope trumps doctor pumps him full of fentanyl.
And his lawyers take over all of his estate like Prince & Michael's did, it would be like a sitcom.
Nah, capsaicin or something.
I don't think they did?
I looked into a few years ago, I'm pretty sure they did. I didn't save the articles or anything.
Well they could have seen the same celebrity doctor in Hollywood once or something, but there were two different dudes responsible for their individual care when they died; Michael Jackson's doctor got 4 years in prison for manslaughter, and has no connection to Prince.
Now you're making me question my memory but I'm not going to go back and look. I know Prince got hooked back on drugs and I thought it was the same doc that did it. It could have been that they had the same lawyers that took over their estates? There's some serious connection. I could have sworn it was the doctors.
I did look; there's no discernible doctor connection. Couldn't find anything about same lawyers either, but that seems more likely to be a true footnote in their histories. The media wanted there to be animosity between the pop stars, but they were neither enemies nor friends. Jackson named his son Prince, but not after the artist. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
I know one of those ate true, but it was awhile ago. If you don't save the articles from the time, it's hard to find layer, ime