As some of you may know, I've just barely started the process of transitioning, and have been looking for resources related to this. I've found some pretty great ones, especially Trans Academy (which I somehow knew about from when I was "totally cis"), but most of the resources I've found seem a little scattered and I'd love to have some kind of a guide that may even include harder to find "DIY" tips that other groups might not address. Since there doesn't seem to be anything out there (to my knowledge) that includes all of the useful info someone who's starting out might need, I was thinking that this could be a good place to start such a project. So I had some questions:

  1. Do you think this is a good or bad idea? and why?
  2. What form should this take? Someone mentioned cryptpad.fr to me, and it seems ideal for what I had in mind, which is something like an easy-to-navigate wiki with contents and search, and if possible a list of sources/links for the info it contains. I'd love to hear other suggestions if you have them, though. Maybe eventually a website could work once a lot of the info has been fleshed out.
  3. What should be the scope of the guide? I was initially thinking the focus should be on trans (masc/femme) and NB identities, but should it be expanded to include a much larger group?
  4. What are potential legal issues, if any, with putting such a guide out there and what would be the best way to deal with that?
  5. What would be the best way to collaborate on this? Should there be stuff like approval, version control, etc?
  6. Is there anything else I'm missing here that you'd like to talk about?

This was just something I was thinking about, and I thought I'd make a post to see what others think, but please feel free to give honest feedback on whether or not this would be a good idea or if it could even work. Thanks!

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[-] Des@hexbear.net 10 points 1 week ago

yes please i think it would be a great idea. i have experience tracking down stuff online of all sorts but i have no idea where to start with hormones (excluding the T kind which plague the sites i frequent for other self-medication). at least with estrogen I'd imagine sourcing should be ok, maybe a gray area, since it's more of a "not for human consumption" then a federally scheduled substance

i'm really considering the DIY route despite anxieties. i feel like i'm running out of time.

[-] ZoomeristLeninist@hexbear.net 2 points 1 week ago

DIY is surprisingly easy and affordable. i just finished getting everything ready for my own DIY so its fresh in my head. lmk if u want help and ill send u a msg on matrix

[-] Des@hexbear.net 2 points 1 week ago

i'm looking into shoring up access to what i need i will msg you soon thank you so much!

[-] ZoomeristLeninist@hexbear.net 2 points 6 days ago

anytime comrade!

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this post was submitted on 16 Jun 2024
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