
joined 1 month ago
[–] 20 points 15 hours ago

there are usually spots that the cameras don't reach. just small little blind spots, where at least they can perhaps only see you from one angle. you can wander calmly around the shop, take those things to the area you have scoped out and stash them.

and yes, buy things for real as well, as others have suggested

and don't steal from ur local shop. if ur caught u are more likely to get banned than have them call the cops on u. then u can't go into ur local shop and buy things when u have to.

not all shops have people actively monitoring the cameras. they are mostly for deterrence. try not to get caught on camera but it's not the end of the world if you do.

avoid shops with security guards if possible. at least in my neck of poor europe, most shops don't have them. mostly shop workers won't stop you, and if they try to they mostly won't do anything other than ask you to turn back. when i worked in a shop we were actually told not to engage anyone physically. be very nice to everyone who works in the shops u pick, since workers who like you are less likely to do anything to stop you. and yk be nice to workers generally.

avoid shops in commercial districts where there are likely to be cops patrolling outside. the one time i got caught it was cuz there were cops on the street outside.

[–] 11 points 16 hours ago

i broke my body yesterday, i can't walk, i'm so bored i wanna do things (okay i didn't break anything but i have EDS and i pushed it too far)

[–] 3 points 16 hours ago (1 children)
[–] 3 points 19 hours ago

yes most of these people are lost. some of them will reconsider their lives when their kid or someone close to them comes out, but just as often they reject that person or try to fix them.

the best thing i can think of to do is to reach those unfortunate enough to be the offspring of these people. specifically the cishet ones, and those queer and trans who reject those parts of themselves. not to make them queer as they love to accuse us of doing, but to share a queer worldview and politics with them. get them out of the conservative christian cult before it is too late for them.

because that is how they propagate. they groom their next generation. every accusation they make against us is an admission of guilt. we need to disrupt their methods of reproducing their sick, creepy cult and protect the kids from it. and let the old ones die off.

obviously the ones who are queer and trans need help of a different kind.

took my friend's car to be fixed today because she doesn't have her license yet. car is a mess. we stopped at the gas station about 1km from the car place and the car stalls 5m away from the pump and won't start again. my friend is moments away from having to call a tow truck when i realise that its entirely downhill. she pushed me back onto the road and i rolled down. and then we had to walk an hour and a half home. picked some blackberries and figs on the way back, that was nice. but fuck i'm tired.

[–] 12 points 1 day ago (6 children)

i decided to make my empanadilla experiment. they will have a sweet filling of blackberries. went out to collect a few more to supplement what i got this morning. i'm currently cooking a filling. i hope this goes well

[–] 19 points 1 day ago (7 children)

i've been upsetting people by opposing the "it's not our choice" argument for like... 15 years or something. when i was a teen it really didn't land well with people. but i've seen a general movement towards people rejecting the argument in the past few years which i'm relieved about.

i very much agree that it concedes there is something wrong with being queer, that we wouldn't choose to be if we had a choice.

but even more than that i think it misses the point. choice means something very different to the people we're trying to reach with that argument. i mainly see those people as conservative christians, mainly american ones. and the thing is that they don't give a fuck what sexual or gender urges we have. their worldview is entirely different. it's based on seeking an ideal godly life based around a monogamous union between a man and a woman, having children and raising them in that same ideology.

they think queer feelings are sinful. but they have a general view of anything outside of their ideology is sinful. sex before marriage, infidelity, divorce, polyamory, even perfectly consensual and open polyamory, porn, and so on.

given how utterly commonplace and unsurprising each time we hear about a prominent conservative christian doing something "sinful", it seems obvious they have plenty of urges to do things they consider sinful. the choice for them is suppress these urges to live a godly life. they understand perfectly well that we're reacting to something we feel inside that we have no control over, but they want us to choose to do what they consider to be the right thing, and who cares if it makes us unhappy.

so i simply think that it's trying to use a liberal argument to people who just don't see the world like that. and yes, i think it's a very lib argument. look at us poor people who have this unfortunate condition but you have to be nice to us because it's not our fault.

i am queer. i am trans. i am intersex. these things are an intrinsic part of me, and i choose to embrace them. it's true there is no place for me in normal society. i couldn't pretend to be one of them if i wanted to. but why the hell would i want to be a part of a society that won't accept those cool and important parts of me, not to mention all of the evil shit it's build upon. it is of course unfortunate that makes life harder for me but i want my life. a queer life for me is loving who i want of course, but it's so much more than that as well. it's rejecting the heteropatriarchal norms of cishet society in the way i live and relate to others.

to conclude this comment which accidentally turned into an essay (sorry), i simply don't think it works. if we want conservative christians to accept us we need to target their beliefs about the family, and the concept of sin in general. unless we can change that, we're not going to make any progress with them.

[–] 8 points 1 day ago (1 children)

ty i think my problem is i really wanna be doing the practical projects and i need rest

i has wood but no money. it's the logical solution. i decided to challenge myself to actually use proper woodworking joints rather than just screwing everything together like i usually do. i'm learning.

but also every bed i've ever slept on has been annoying, creaky, too low, and lacking in hardpoints. i'm hoping i can make the perfect bed for us.

but there's like a million things that need to be done. the bed is just one of them. what i really need to do is something in bed so i can rest.

i hope i didn't leave anything behind in the trash heap that's gonna stop me from progressing later on in ~~the game~~ life


i've been asked to find a source for puberty blockers by an acquaintance whose son has been taken off puberty blockers by the uk government and health service rule changes.

I'm not optimistic about this, as i've looked for it before and not been able to find anything. i also warned them it was extremely expensive. but they wanted me to look anyway. i have looked, and not been able to find anything.

does anyone have any sources? specifically triptorelin or a similar gnrh agonist. parents don't seem willing to consider letting their son start hormones.


i'm taking nettle seeds home to spain from finland. been making food and string out of them while i'm here at my partner's. mostly using the seeds for food rather than the leaves, so far. though maybe some nettle soup would be nice before we go.

they do in theory grow natively in spain, but i haven't been able to find any where i live so seeds it is.

i do hope that no overzealous airport staff think it's weed.

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