Sylvia Rivera, born on July 2 in 1951, was a Latina American queer rights activist, member of the Gay Liberation Front, and community worker from the state of New York.
Rivera, who identified as a "half-sister", participated in demonstrations with the Gay Liberation Front. With her close friend Marsha P. Johnson, Rivera co-founded the Street Transvestite Action Revolutionaries (STAR), a socialist group dedicated to helping homeless young drag queens, gay youth, and trans women.
At different times in her life, Rivera battled substance abuse and lived on the streets, largely in the gay homeless community at the Christopher Street docks. Her experiences made her more focused on advocacy for those who, in her view, mainstream society and the assimilationist factions of the LGBT community were leaving behind.
Rivera died during the dawn hours of February 19th, 2002, at St. Vincent's Hospital, of complications from liver cancer. Activist Riki Wilchins said this of her: "In many ways, Sylvia was the Rosa Parks of the modern transgender movement, a term that was not even coined until two decades after Stonewall".
Remember the radicalism of Sylvia Rivera and Marsha P Johnson
“Our armies are rising:” Sylvia Rivera and Marsha P. Johnson
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Oh, I know that spot. I worked at a place where those doors opened to basically a doorway do people coming in with stuff would hit it by accident and burn you all the time because they never figured out to just fucking wait if the oven is open. Those suck cause they're in a spot that will end out touching all sorts of other stuff.
oh my god it would be so difficult for me to keep my cool if I got burned because someone busted through a doorway and made the oven smack into me, especially if it happened more than once
the most annoying thing about this particular burn is the flaps to keep the cold air in the walk ins keep smacking me right on them when I'm running through
Oh, I did not. This one dude kept doing it and almost getting me, and we had all agreed to just hold our horses and in this 3 person kitchen (small scale catering gig), this lummox kept doing it. When he finally caught me off guard and I did get burned, I went the absolute fuck off on him. I prefer to Take a Relaxed Attitude Towards Work to quote Apu when he was trying to be American, but yeah, when you get injured due to someone's absolute ambivalence to an easy to follow safety procedure, it sets anyone off. What sets me off in general is just people being self serving. Like, today, our town is on a boil order, our morning dishwasher who is the first guy in and also has been around crazy long and used to be the chef's boss, so they're old friends decided that instead of throwing a pot on that we could cool off to wash our salad greens in, so we'd have some for service, to just not. So we couldn't sell salads after a point. He decided he didn't need to do numerous things on the prep list, that I wrote, because he decided it wasn't necessary. His method for this was sometimes seeing there was a bin of whatever but not seeing how full it was. Or sometimes i want shit cut up to make fridge space for when I order more and also sometimes I'm thinking ahead by a day or two. Regardless, this dude took off two hours early today saying there was nothing left cause he just crossed shit off the list he deemed unnecessary, he's done by 3pm at the latest, he has no clue what we need done or why I put it on the list and if he hasn't taken the chance to do any cooking, then it's really not his call. I've also got people never putting stuff away or cleaning up their stations before doing other stuff and CONSTANTLY leaving an unusable tiny amount of something on the line instead of just giving a customer a tiny bit extra to kill off a container and swap to a new one so.thr next guy has to. When you're closer to the top, it can be even worse. I understand Gordom Ramsay at least in Kitchen Nightmares sooooo well.