Trump’s alleged ‘sexual proclivities’ graphically detailed in new Epstein documents
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Okay can y’all start talking about how turnip needs to drop out of the presidential race now?!
It is not sane people you need to convince. You need to convince the Christofascists that theocracy is bad, the racists that other people are human, and the homophobes that others' relationships aren't harming them. All Repubs are bigots who want a schoolyard bully to make their enemies angry.
Been talking about that since 2016. Talking accomplishes nothing.
But he's our guy and don't worry he has "The Best People"^tm^
I love that you called him turnip. Seriously. Don't change a thing.
Right so this is pretty interesting and I’m actually a bit surprised nobody else has picked up on this, because not only does it work with the name, it also works with the hair. Turnip. That’s a fact bud.
That's it! I'm never calling him something other than what he is: turnip!
My family calls mashed rutabaga "turnips", and they're orange AF. That's where my mind went first.
Yep. There should be two weeks worth of articles at least stating as such.
Media should also question every Republican and ask if they support him staying in the race.