[-] booty@hexbear.net 12 points 18 hours ago

Nah I'm on his side you can't be mid rolling in dark souls smh

[-] booty@hexbear.net 12 points 20 hours ago* (last edited 20 hours ago)

s a race to the bottom for whoever can dredge the dumbest and most incoherent takes riddled with slurs on the Steam forums or whatever garbage hole.

Is this what the dunk tank was before rule 8? Is that typically the kind of content removed under rule 8? Or is it just normal dunk tank content which would be allowed if the number next to the text was higher? Be honest.

[-] booty@hexbear.net 43 points 20 hours ago

The prophecy has been fulfilled

[-] booty@hexbear.net 10 points 20 hours ago

Why is posting an Elon musk tweet higher quality than a tweet by someone you haven't heard of

[-] booty@hexbear.net 10 points 20 hours ago

The dunk tank is part of hexbear, yes? Normal dunk tank content is normal hexbear content. A significant portion of that normal dunk tank content is now arbitrarily and unexplainedly disallowed in the dunk tank and on hexbear as a whole, and when we ask why we're told "because" and "well you can always go to a different website entirely to post it" and "[random insults]"

Do you not understand why this is seen by those of us who do like that content as a negative thing?

[-] booty@hexbear.net 12 points 21 hours ago

That sounds like a great idea, the mods should allow normal dunk tank content in the dunk tank again and then those of you who don't want to see it can block the dunk tank and all the content you don't want to see will be blocked with it

[-] booty@hexbear.net 16 points 21 hours ago

No actually it is the problem of the people going out of their way to antagonize people posting normal hexbear content, not those of us just trying to use the site

[-] booty@hexbear.net 19 points 21 hours ago

I browse local 90% of the time. I am here to use hexbear. "you can post this content on Reddit" or whatever is not an explanation for why it is not allowed here.

[-] booty@hexbear.net 15 points 21 hours ago

The thing is, it isn't a different problem regardless of how much you insist that it is. The fundamental problem is that there is content people want to post, and they are not allowed to post it where it would make the most sense, so they post it elsewhere. Since no mod has given a clear explanation about why this content is disallowed or even what content specifically is disallowed (explicitly it is "vibes based") people are wary of posting anything that could potentially be interpreted as rule-breaking to the comm where that rule exists and instead post it to the comms where there aren't weird unexplained rules that might get their posts removed for no reason

The problem would go away if mods either explained the rule ever or simply removed it, but since they refuse to do either we see this phenomenon you're posting about

[-] booty@hexbear.net 13 points 21 hours ago

Why are you throwing insults at me for disagreeing with a rule on an internet forum

[-] booty@hexbear.net 13 points 21 hours ago* (last edited 21 hours ago)

The rule has actually been explained multiple times you're just obstinate about it being bad. I

No it literally was not. I know this because when it was introduced and several users said the rule sucked an admin or sitemod or whatever appeared in the thread and said "it's good actually" and I and several other users asked why it exists and they said "because the mods decided it will exist and it's not changing and that's that"

They literally "because I said so"ed us

Anyway this post wasnt about rule 8 it was about not posting dunk tank content in cth.

You mean exactly what we all said would happen when the mods introduced a random rule banning popular content from a popular comm with no explanation?

[-] booty@hexbear.net 24 points 21 hours ago* (last edited 21 hours ago)

It's content we want to post and literally no mod has ever explained why rule 8 exists despite several users asking repeatedly. I see it as essentially the same as the "main" rule at this point, just some random bullshit the mods made up to remove more posts, and I treat it with exactly as much respect shrug-outta-hecks

The whole thing doesn't make any sense anyway. The rule is against "low effort content" but low effort apparently means posting stuff that has low engagement and is therefore harder to find, and high effort is apparently posting whatever you see as soon as you navigate to twitter.com. literally backwards. Mods refuse to explain this

submitted 1 month ago by booty@hexbear.net to c/chat@hexbear.net

Where things like "freedom" are a sincere part of governmental decision-making, and not just an excuse for a few rich old fucks to hoard more wealth. Where there exists a temporarily flawed but fundamentally good organization in every single city in the country devoted only to keeping the community safe and in harmony. Where the people in charge are truly doing their best to make the lives of the common person better.

If the world worked the way liberals think it does I'd have become a cop straight out of high school, I swear. I still harbor thoughts of trying to become a firefighter, but I'm not sure I've got the discipline for it.

I don't really have a point, I've just been chilling and drinking tea and thinking about this. I think this line of thought stemmed from having been mistaken for a cop once or twice and trying to think of exactly the best way to word exactly why I would never in a million years consider it regardless of what you paid me, and thinking about how that concept is kind of hard to understand from a liberal's point of view. To them, saying "cops are fundamentally bad" is like saying "firefighters are fundamentally bad" or "farmers are fundamentally bad." In liberal propaganda, cops are just as necessary (and as enduring) as either of those jobs.

submitted 1 month ago by booty@hexbear.net to c/chat@hexbear.net


"There ain't no covid no more--there never was no covid!"

It protects me from a wide variety of things.

"What, you believe in aliens too?"

Sure, why not?

An actual conversation I had with a trucker the other day.

submitted 1 month ago by booty@hexbear.net to c/games@hexbear.net

bunny-vibe bnuuy bunny-vibe

reisen-dance It's like if Touhou had a baby with FF14 raid mechanics. Everything is adorable. It'll make you hate your friends for coming near you when they were supposed to stay away, and it'll make you hate them 5 seconds later for running away from you when they were supposed to stack. I highly recommend it. It might even be a fun game to try to get some people from here to play together, since it's pretty low time investment, intuitive, and doesn't necessarily require voice chat. (It's better with voice chat, funnier without it)

bunny-cop all-ears reisen-dance bugs-stalin

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by booty@hexbear.net to c/games@hexbear.net

Vintage Story is what happens when one of those people who make the ridiculous complicated Minecraft modpacks gets tired of working with jank ass Minecraft and decides to go make their own engine and do whatever they want with it. It's a beautifully complex, (optionally) brutally unforgiving, wonderful little game that I love immensely. You start out by banging rocks together to make stone tools and foraging for berries and wild carrots and trying not to get murdered by weirdly aggressive wolves and completely normally aggressive pigs. But it quickly opens up into a whole world of making pottery, learning the right ratios of copper and tin to make bronze, accidentally collapsing mines on yourself or accidentally setting entire hillsides on fire because you forgot the hill was made of peat, farming (don't forget to rotate your crops!) and facing evil hordes of eldritch monstrosities.

Also, I just love the mindset of the devs. Check out the "held to high standards" header on that main page I linked.

Anyway, getting to the point: I've already bought the game for myself and a friend, paid for the optional account upgrade that just gives me a different color name and a forum badge, and paid for the "pay what you want" soundtrack. So, the only thing left I can do to give money to this great game is to give it away to some of you guys, if anybody's interested in trying it out!

So, I have three giftable game account key things. First three people to say they want one will get one. So if you're a fan of this sort of silly Minecraft modpack, try it out!

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by booty@hexbear.net to c/vegan@hexbear.net

Hey there comrades, I'm so tired of trying to find toothpaste that seemingly doesn't exist. It really doesn't feel like I'm asking all that much. All I want is:

  1. Vegan
  2. Contains fluoride (is toothpaste, in other words)
  3. Not "whitening" (abrasive)

I don't care what flavor, how much it costs, what other horrific cancer-causing compounds it might contain. I literally just want vegan toothpaste that doesn't contain hydrated silica or other abrasives and isn't pretend-toothpaste. Why is that so hard?

submitted 9 months ago by booty@hexbear.net to c/hexbear@hexbear.net

I was pretty excited to see where that comm went and learn some stuff about cultures and philosophies I'm not familiar with. Just curious about two things I guess: Why was it created in the first place, and what changed to cause it to be deleted?


Might be an oddly specific post, but I've seen this recommended, and I'm just not sure I understand how it would be used effectively. Surely an air/water kineticist should be acting as a ranged spellcaster most of the time, in other words, not being within 10 feet of an enemy and especially not of multiple enemies. Furthermore, this impulse doesn't discriminate, so even if you were within 10 feet of all your enemies, you'd probably be within 10 feet of your allies too, subjecting them to a bunch of slippery bullshit as well.

Am I missing something about what makes this useful / not a detriment?

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joined 3 years ago