this post was submitted on 29 May 2024
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She says that in the final years of the Soviet Union the Communist government gunned people down in the streets. I would be curious to learn more except I can't find anything about it, besides this event.

It is a bit sad that communism is now demonised for these people considering the scale of violence committed globally by capitalist regimes.

I don't really know what I'm trying to ask but there is a question there somewhere.

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[–] 39 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (4 children)

She says that in the final years of the Soviet Union the Communist government gunned people down in the streets. I would be curious to learn more except I can’t find anything about it, besides this event.

Because there wasn't anything else except this. And this wasn't "gunning people in the streets" it was accidental fuckup going explicitly against orders during a regular battle in where workers armed with steel pikes and pickaxes assaulted militia and were beating and threatening with death captured militiamen. Also militia got explicitly refused the permission to use firearms by minister of interior Kiszczak and general Jaruzelski, so the government is not responsible (this was also established in several trials even despite court was clearly biased). Here is some relevant reading, in Polish.

Poles, especially abroad, often lie about that, knowingly or not, because Poles abroad are often gusanos having material interests and past history of their burgie families to oppose any kind of socialism, and Polish public spaces since 1989 are in the information propaganda bubble comparing to which even the one in USA looks like sieve.

Btw note the irony clearly visible even in the bubble: 9 deaths is the founder myth and the "greatest crime of communism", while just the transformation into capitalism saw social murder of few hundred thousands at least.

[–] 17 points 4 months ago

note the irony clearly visible even in the bubble: 9 deaths is the founder myth and the "greatest crime of communism"

I noticed this recently with a lot of anticommunist stuff, they really bury the lede to make it seem worse than it is

Growing up the Berlin Wall was presented as if countless people died trying to flee, and then you look it up and it was like maybe 1 or 2 people a year

[–] 14 points 4 months ago

Thank you for your analysis 🫡

[–] 13 points 4 months ago

rat-salute-2 quality post

[–] 2 points 4 months ago (1 children)

Nawet nie wiesz jak często mnie twoje posty i materiały ratują, szczególnie wśród innych komuchów którzy to często bardziej lubią srać na PRL niż 3RP.

No niestety, radykalna lewica w Polsce to głównie trocie i anarchiści bo ich nie ciągają po sądach za żywota, w przeciwieństwie do ML (co już powinno być jasną wskazówką ale jak widać nie dociera).

[–] 15 points 4 months ago

Honestly the Martial law period in Poland were very messy times. I’m sure comrade remembers them and could give a decent explanation. (Sorry to bother you comrade 😭)

[–] 12 points 4 months ago

it's just more civilized to be caved in by a beast's heavy hooves, cracked by a policeman's nightstick, or 'accidentally' disabled by a 'non-lethal' firearm.