submitted 5 days ago by bot@lemmit.online to c/scams@lemmit.online
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The original was posted on /r/scams by /u/XoziVV on 2024-06-23 05:08:46+00:00.

My parents just got talked into a timeshare as. They first stated before going to the whole talk thing that the answer would no matter be a “no”. They later came back and said they signed and got one. Now i’m just a teenager but I know timeshares are huge scams 99.9% of the times. It genuinely makes me in a way disappointed and mad at them. But, they swear it’s a good deal. Now i’m trying to talk them out of it but I don’t think they will. So now i’m trying to think of a way to convince them that it’s horrible. Because I don't want to see my parents later struggle having to pay and etc. If there's anyway for me to show them how could i?

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this post was submitted on 23 Jun 2024
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