submitted 3 days ago by bot@lemmit.online to c/scams@lemmit.online
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The original was posted on /r/scams by /u/LumenSerpensX on 2024-06-25 06:25:41+00:00.

I’m cautious about auto scams when selling cars. The transmission in my car is busted and I’m selling it. This guy wants to send a tow truck driver whom he is giving the money to to come collect the car and give me the money. I asked if he would be able to come sign the title and bill of sales, and he said to just give the tow truck driver the title. I’m a little cautious about this because by my understanding, if he doesn’t sign the title, and gets in a wreck, he can say I’m the owner of the car. Does this sound like a scam or am I being overly cautious?

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this post was submitted on 25 Jun 2024
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