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The original was posted on /r/guildwars2 by /u/panopticonisreal on 2024-12-04 20:23:57+00:00.
Due to having a lot more time than normal this year, I’ve given GW2, ESO, Neverwinter and FFXIV a solid go. Even dabbled into things like SWG or the rebirthed UO project.
Since WoW’s latest expansion I’ve played it quite a lot, my first WoW experience.
GW2 is the clear winner in terms of feel. Something that I think I’m more aware of as I get older.
How good does the game feel to actually play? Mostly combat, but also things like traversal.
Despite the many ways in which modern WoW is a superior game, GW2 just feels so much better. That’s even playing with 200+ ping, I can play WoW with a ping of 1.
I hope this magic makes its way to GW3. I was tempted to try Janthir but PoE2 in a few days..
For those of you who are still playing, how are you finding GW2 now since Janthir?
For me, a loyal GW2 player for a long time, SotO was just too much to put up with.
Have they turned it around with the latest expansion?