this post was submitted on 09 Dec 2024
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Anarchism is a social movement that seeks liberation from oppressive systems of control including but not limited to the state, capitalism, racism, sexism, speciesism, and religion. Anarchists advocate a self-managed, classless, stateless society without borders, bosses, or rulers where everyone takes collective responsibility for the health and prosperity of themselves and the environment.


Introductory Anarchist Theory


Discord Legacy A collaborative doc of books and other materials compiled by the #anarchism channel on the Discord, containing texts and materials for all sorts of tendencies and affinities.

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Prince Pyotr Alexeyevich Kropotkin was born in 1842 and breathed his last in 1921. Kropotkin was a Russian noble. He was educated for army and at the age of twenty he became a military officer in Siberia.

Kropotkin’s great interest in science developed from his military training which he received to get a job. This moulded his life in future. He had a scientific mind and devoted his time and energy to the study of books on science.

As a military officer in Siberia Kropotkin got ample opportunity for geographical survey and expedition. Thus his shift from military service to geo­graphical survey and expeditions enriched the subject profoundly. He contributed many articles to different journals.

Peter Kropotkin was a man of different mentality and attitude. His stay in military service could not satisfy his academic and intellectual requirements and desires and after serving several years he relinquished the job, and entered the University of St. Petersburg in 1867. His vast knowledge in geography brought for him the post of secretary of Geographical Society.

Even this vital administrative post could not detain him for long time. He moved to radical political movements. In 1872, Peter Kropotkin joined the International Workingmen’s Association. Later on he was deeply involved in subversive and anarchical activities. This led him to imprisonment in 1874.

He escaped from prison in 1876 and went to England. The England of the second half of eighteenth century was the centre of revolutionary activities, although she never experienced any revolution.

He also travelled to Switzerland and Paris. While in Paris he was again arrested by the French government in 1883. Released from prison in 1886 he went to England and settled there. While in exile, Kropotkin gave lectures and published widely on anarchism and geography. He returned to Russia after the Russian Revolution in 1917 but was disappointed by the Bolshevik state. The rest of his life was spent without political activity.

Peter Kropotkin was an evolutionist anarchist. But his evolutionism was more scien­tific than that of his predecessors. He wrote several books on anarchism such as ‘The Place of Anarchy in Socialist Evolution (1886), The Conquest of Bread (1888), Its Philosophy and Ideal (1896)’, ‘The State – Its Part in History (1898)’ and ‘Modern Science and Anarchism (1903)’. His deep interest in science, particularly biology and anthro­pology, opened before him new and enchanting vistas of knowledge and all these inspired him to study biological science with added interest.

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(page 9) 50 comments
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[–] 7 points 3 months ago (4 children)

what's the best videogame to shoot rockets in? i really want to just zooooooosh an rpg and get some feedback not just good sounds, cool smoke, it's gotta fuck up the environment and target too

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[–] 7 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Waiting on the doc to come snip me rn wooo

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[–] 7 points 3 months ago

Preparing to be dissapointed that ciri in witcher 4 game will gonna look way younger than her cgi trailer because even though we live in the "diversity era" every main female character is a young 20s something.

[–] 7 points 3 months ago (2 children)

I'm now fairly sure the wild cat I saw recently was a bobcat. There was some recent light snow and when I ran in that area again I saw what I'm fairly certain are bobcat tracks. 4 toed with a indent on the main pad at the top-center, no claws, about 2.5 inches long.

I also found someone saying that bobcats can have brown fur in fall to early winter and I found this video of bobcats playing with one having the same color fur I saw and a longer tail with different colored bit at the end of the tail.

One of the details that made me think it wasn't a bobcat was that the tail was not just a little stub like most of the images I found online. Also, I didn't notice spots. But mostly seeing it from the back, if it's coat was similar to the cat in the video, I wouldn't have immediately noticed spots.

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[–] 7 points 3 months ago (4 children)

Just got my the results of my blood work back for my yearly physical and I still have low white blood cell count and low neutrophils. It's been like this for years now. Doctor doesn't seem concerned and I feel fine, but it still is kinda unsettling idk

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[–] 7 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (4 children)

I'm not a complicated man. Witcher IV good.

howeverI'm mildly disappointed to see that Ciri will be the protag and continuing her path of Witchering. Mostly because my favorite ending to The Witcher III is Ciri accepting her role as Empress. I like this enging for several reasons, some sounder than others, mostly based in pedantic lore nonsense. One, it's fairly well established that Witchering is a miserable way to spend your life, even if you happen to have a few dear companions like Geralt does. Two, there are less and less monsters in the world all the time. Half the reason there are so few Witchers during the decades in which the books/games is because they didn't need to bother rebuilding the Witcher Order after it was mostly destroyed sixty years before the first book because there are so few monsters. It's established, I can't remember if it's book canon or game canon or both, that women can't undergo the mutations that create witchers superhuman reflexes and resistance to toxins because they were designed by callous mages with only boys in mind (and it kills most of them anyway). CDPR will have to have some answer as to why Ciri is drinking Witcher brews and moving supernaturally. Also it renders the subject infertile, so if Ciri's feudal claims are going to be brought up in any way that'll be important. Not implausible questions to answer, lore wise.

Now given that the games establish distinct Witcher schools I imagined we might play as some other Witcher, maybe in some far flung corner of that world. Because I think, assuming this game is going to be about Ciri as a Witcher, they've missed a more interesting story. I'd much rather play a game focused around political intrigue as Empress Ciri. Which I think fits with the books because it seemed to me that Sapkowski got bored with his own premise around book three and wanted to write a sweeping political epic instead, falling back on his strengths as a short story writer to do so. And then every once in awhile we'd get a chapter of Geralt or Ciri doing something less interesting than whatever political aside we just went on. Granted, people would probably be upset if a game called Witcher IV didn't have any monster hunting in it (even though there's very little monster hunting in Geralt's books, which I've always thought was funny) but it'd be easy to do a dual protagonist situation. Ciri for the big political intrigue, and some lone Witcher who sees the repercussions of actions taken during the intrigue out in the real world.

I'd rather they left the franchise alone, Witcher III is a great game and a great capstone on the entire Witcher Saga if you take the books and the games as a whole. Making Witcher IV and making it be about Ciri as a witcher just feels like they can only end up making The Witcher III again but worse, because you can't ever go back and recapture what was. Not counting the mobile games and digital card/boardgames I've played every game that CDPR has put out and I've liked every one of them, so I'm tentatively hopeful that the Witcher 1 remake and this Witcher IV game will be better than I'm imagining.

Also the cinematic trailer for IV is just the Witcher III "Killing Monsters" trailer but longer and starring Ciri.

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[–] 7 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Star Trek episode idea, doesn't really.matter which series, Sector 14. It's about the infamous Sector 14 where every anomaly, rift, tachyon pulse or whatever space weirdness just keeps happening and the crew tries to get to the bottom of it and it turns outbits a coincidence

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[–] 7 points 3 months ago

I keep reading the suspects name as Lugi's Mansion

[–] 7 points 3 months ago (5 children)

Fallout Tactics became nearly unplayable due to the bug where encounters are linked to FPS and CPU speed. Meaning you can't move a step on the world map due to them happening nonstop. Tried a few fixes. Most people recommended enabling v-sync and limiting FPS on the game. But that didn't work. Then one set of advice said to do that and then load the launcher from the folder, but then close it and play it through steam. Some how that janky solution fixed it. We are so back baby.

Also picking randoms recruits has paid off, I really like this one Stumpy, he's got huge health, fights with small guns and melee, really good with traps. Has the one-handed perk (and I assume his nickname implies he's an amputee/partial amputee due to explosives). Also he got promoted when my character did, which apparently can happen to recruits but is uncommon. So I pretend he's my squads second in command. Going to rotate him out when we get to super-mutants but for the moment I think he's neat.

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[–] 7 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Sore throat, go away :(

[–] 7 points 3 months ago

Australia and Canada are basically the red and green cavaliers your lord character (england) recruits near the start

[–] 7 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

A blog post from one of the few guys Luigi follows on substack (i never even heard of substack till now). Horrid alt right krakker shit read at your own risk of sanity.

[–] 7 points 3 months ago

it is december 12 and stalin saved the world from fascism

[–] 7 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

The reason that, for example, RAF terrorism in West Germany was ineffective and counter-productive, is that it didn’t align with the values of society. The RAF thought the people would support them when the inevitable government crackdown came, but people supported the state increasing its own powers to oppose terrorism. By contrast, Luigi’s action has a level of support that a resistance group to a foreign occupier might expect. People can talk shit about his personal politics all they want, but it was a perfect choice of target.

[–] 7 points 3 months ago

I like how unlike other mystery shows which you get kinda used to being able to solve as you get familiar with the style, Columbo is an endless series of lessons on how to call people out on their bullshit indirectly and that is a useful life skill

[–] 7 points 3 months ago


[–] 7 points 3 months ago (3 children)

Happy news everyone! "Slowpoke" isn't a racist ableist or otherwise bigoted term!

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[–] 7 points 3 months ago

Someone pinch me if I'm dreaming, but did I just watch fucking Soulsborne Infinity war?

[–] 7 points 3 months ago

Since the USA gave money to bin Laden, then he did 9/11, what tower(s) is(are) Al-Bashir going to take down?

[–] 7 points 3 months ago (2 children)
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[–] 7 points 3 months ago (5 children)

why can't I find a good torrent for the infamous Battle of the Bastards

both the main sites i use for torrents have limited options and they all dl incredibly slow

are 1337x and piratebay cringe now? what can a poor fellow do? boohoo

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[–] 7 points 3 months ago

I'm starting to hear Ariana Grande Christmas songs in public now!! Honestly my favourite part of Christmas 🥰

[–] 7 points 3 months ago

My partner: the Netflix Christmas movie has the actor from iZombie.

Me (eyes alighting): Rahul Kohli?!

Them:…no Rose McIvor

[–] 7 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Getting really good at Fallout Tactics. I did the hard bit in Quincy where Beastlords have hostages rigged with explosives. Two gunman aimed at each group of three hostages. A roaming captain with a remote detonator. I cut the lights, moved my two sneakiest characters down, had them wait until the captain was a few metres away and shoot her with single shots instead of burst so no hostages or explosives got hit, as soon as she dropped my other 4 character waiting in the wings ran in, 2 to each group of 2, my heavy machine gunner and shotgunner using handguns, the other two with m16 and FN FAL on single round and killed them. Only one hostage was hit by gunfire and "wounded" which my medic patched up.


Because I cheesed the special encounters I have two vindicator miniguns much earlier than you normally should (used the hermit's poison on the two guys with miniguns who killed an unarmed mob so no reputation is lost and they deserved).

Right now, only one guy can use them (Stoma and he's got terrible traits) but using him to cut down deathclaws at a distances is making the level much easier. I think I might be actually very prepared for the Super-Mutants because I can get the siblings Max and Alice before St Louis, give them both a vindicator (and grenades to throw). The reason the Super-mutants are so hard initially is most of them have M249 SAWs which have a longer range than the AK47s you usually have up to that point. But the vindicators have more range than the SAWs so I will only have to worry about the guys with the browning 50 cals whose ranger is ever further.

[–] 7 points 3 months ago

What about a general mega in C/Comics called the "New General Mangathread"?

[–] 7 points 3 months ago (1 children)
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[–] 7 points 3 months ago
[–] 7 points 3 months ago (1 children)

It’s such a shame TikTok is getting banned. What an excellent avenue to show zoomers that all billionaires are bad and put an end to this dreaded “good ceo list” trend

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[–] 7 points 3 months ago

lol so I came home exhausted from work and passed out on the couch, woke up to the sound of birds tweeting and the half-light of what I thought was dawn. I freaked out thinking I had slept for like 15 hours and was late for work.

Turns out it was just dusk. Isn’t it funny how much dumb stress capitalism puts on our bodies and minds.

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