Oh hell yeah, is this getting discussed in the mainstream more?
AMAB/AFAB seem like they have just become stand-in terms to conceal bioessentialism by using progressive-sounding words. I tend to use them only in a pinch and I've made efforts to be very intentional about saying "was" and not "is", as this subtle distinction makes a big difference if I'm going to resort to using those terms at all since your assignment at birth is not who you are but rather it's something that happened to you. Even then it's something I generally only use for shorthand to refer to socialisation and mostly only in referring to myself. E.g.:
"I was AMAB and so I'm still trying to figure out whether I'm genuinely NB/agender spec or if there's some really super deep internalised misogyny that I'm completely oblivious to lurking in my psyche which is there because of how I was raised."