Nazi Germany still going strong in 2025 it seems.
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Good job reading the article. These groups were supporting Palestine. The German government (not just the current one) is overly cautious and does everything to avoid antagonising Israel, precisely because certain people are quick to yell "Nazi".
Perhaps people are inclined to yell Nazi because their government is funding a genocide and silencing speech against the Israeli government.
I am very much with you in being against what they're doing but supporting Israel is usually not the reason Germans in particular are called "Nazi".
Uuuh yeah, pretty sure they meant what they said. Genocide is genocide, no matter if its Jews or Palestinians getting killed.
It is. "Nazi" is still at best a weird choice of words in this case.
No it’s not.
Zionists are Nazis. Israel is a Nazi state.
Nazi is an adjective not simply a political party from the 1930s.