Almost panicked seeing 495 comments from yesterday's discussion thread, luckily it was just high engagement.
I am up to date with Severance as well, watching the day they release.
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Adoption Certificate for Nellie, the Daily Thread numbat (with thanks to @Catfish)
Almost panicked seeing 495 comments from yesterday's discussion thread, luckily it was just high engagement.
I am up to date with Severance as well, watching the day they release.
I was definitely wondering wtf happened when I was only away for a few hours.
I watched the latest episode and I'm stunned. I do think the impact of the big "reveal" has been dampened for me by consuming so many theories during the week.
MAJOR spoilers s2e4
I mean it was so bleedingly obvious it was Helena! I'm just relieved someone called it out.
But then, so many more questions... Like those weird twins? They just completely handwaved them away? And how TF did they all appear there? I was sure it was a simulation until the drowning scene.
I sure as hell hope this isn't the end of i-Irving. But I'm stoked for the real Helly to come back though I'm sure she'd be feeling very violated if she can physically feel that she has had baby goats the night before.
I appreciate everyone keeping the spoilers to themselves.
I used to love staying up late when I was a kid. Some things never change.
I'm thinking about the first songs I wrote when I was getting sober. It was about 3 months in.
I'd had a fling with someone and was riding that fluffy cloud that comes with closeness.
I had this super janky laptop (which i still have), an acoustic I bought from jb-hifi when i was whacked out, and a pair of headphones that I would plug into the microphone port on the laptop and dangle them in the sound hole of the acoustic so I could record.
Those songs, are so...for lack of a better word, pure. No pretentiousness, no attempt to sound like this or that. The only audience was me and eventually I showed them to the person I was seeing.
Just expressions of a moment in time. I don't really have any photos of the past. This works just as well.
Goodnight all ❤️
Yes Gibson. The world is ending because you're getting your nails trimmed.
The prisoner during transportation
oh noes
Oh toes
Oh woes
Today didn't go so well. Not going to win them all.
All I have to say is families are hard.
YOU are kick ass!!
You did your best under really difficult circumstances.
I've been reading what you're going through and I would struggle to keep my composure in some of the situations you've described.
Try to find a way to relax.
Well tonight's gonna be a shitshow.
In brief, bro is coming down to the bellarine for dins, we've had a massive falling out over a bunch of shit, I'm gonna be expected to cook, wasn't told this was happening, shouldn't let the ol' girl cook for them (not fair on her / bit risky in her condition, which bro doesn't care about), bro and ol' boy can't cook, I can't stand bro and his acute NPD bs, gonna be guilt tripped (ol' boy's gonna crack the shits) if I'm not there or even if I am because I'll call out bullshit.
So, there's gonna be a lot of tension either way.
Not gonna 'win' this one. Winning in this sense is just a pleasant evening, which it won't be. I just wanna go to the beach for dins in solitude and have a steak sammich and pat some doggos but that will be inflammatory behaviour.
Hard core response : put a sign on the door "Closed for Repairs" and go to the beach with sammich as per usual. When you return from beach, microwave up some youfoodz trays for them. Or some other low-par instant 'meal'. Dodge the convo if you can.
Soft core response : Meet them at the door. Demand that they do a doordash or similar for their food. At their expense. Then go to the beach as per usual. With your own choice of sammich. Don't share it. Have essential convo on your return.
Was going to go out tonight but can't be effed. I'm wrecked from the stress of the last few days.
I'm going to read a book and go to bed once it's a reasonable hour lol
hahahaha hubs decided to help with putting in the sub base and compacting it all down. He did about a foot section. He now has a deep deep respect bordering on mild terror for me looking back at the other fucking 8m already done.
I've been feeling really bad about not keeping up with my Mandarin.
On the train the other day a woman came on asking for help, in Mandarin but the last word was garbled english. I knew she was asking directions as I did recognise much of what she was saying. I did not know how to answer even tho I know I studied this at uni. ( angry at myself ) . Her accent was strong, a new immigrant.
I did eventually figure where she wanted to go, said I would help her( in english ) and she sat next to me until I helped her at her station. She waved good bye to me so many times from the platform when the train moved. 🥲
I felt so bad for her, I remember what it was like moving to a foreign country where I didn't speak the language and literally tried to navigate a foreign city. A scary adventure that makes us rely on strangers.
I am resolved to study up again , it's a good thing to do.
These days, Google translate eliminates all of that, but yeah it can get hectic.
You are such a kind hearted person ❤️
Last night me won at gin rummy. This morning me is enjoying my winning cuppa tea. 🙂
CEOofmyhouse56 Isn't Allowed into the Casino for This One Reason
I've been thinking.
This morning Gibson was, let's say, unhappy about her claws being trimmed.
As in, she straight up tried to attack the groomer.
Think about it: This 4kg ball of fluff was more than happy to attack what is ultimately a towering giant because they crossed their personal space.
That's fucking hardcore.
"The fucking sheer audacity!" - disgusted Gibson
No thanks to everyone here I went and bought some pizza and having Hawaiian pizza tonight for dinner.
This thread has cracked 100k comments. In less than 2 years I think?
We have no concept of “how to sit quietly”
Sky pretty.
Crap Sleep Gang, checking in.
Do I walk? Do I wash the bike? Both?
I’m off to the market, and then to the gym.
Please leave all shopping requests below. Must supply own bags
I forgot to mention when I got the jeans ($2 down from $11 on a tag sale) I also got some art books. They look great and I got a frequently recommended one but I just don’t have enough energy to dive in and start doing exercises.
Being surrounded by toxic dysfunctional people and having constant health issues is draining. I feel like I spend life in survival mode.
so many hugs
Tell us about the art books you got. 😊
And with such books if I am too tired to do careful reading I will start by reading all the descriptions of the illustrations.
Just made myself a chicken sandwich by cooking 2 chicken drumsticks seasoned and then stripping the meat from the bone.
Threw it all between two slices of bread and added some sauce and it’s surprisingly filling.
I feel a food coma incoming.
Video game time!!!!!
The jeans still whiff slightly after two further washes with napisan and then a cleaning vinegar rinse. They’re hanging outside to dry now in the hope of getting some uv rays. It’s a lot better but tbh I might just use them as gardening pants.
Honestly I would have just got rid of them but they’re a good style and fit which I have trouble finding these days.
My plants are looking a bit sad because I’ve had my hands full. The zucchini have bad powdery mildew and one fruit is rotting from the blossom end so I sprayed and gave fertiliser for calcium.
Cat health
Melbcat is having a hard time. She’s still got the uti because I stopped the antibiotics (due to the possibility that they were the cause of the eye damage). She’s gone back on them as well as starting blood pressure meds so she’s currently in that awful zone where you’re taking gross meds but don’t feel better yet.
this weather has been dreadful for the plants. I lost a little succulent in my llama pot, it got rained on so heavily then with the heat it basically got cooked. Plants that didn't get so much water have fared better.
and hugs for melbcat 😘
She’s grateful, she likes hugs