[-] Taleya@aussie.zone 19 points 20 hours ago

Because you're dealing with lifelong windows users who want a reassuringly familiar looking OS not fucking linux techs

Jesus christ learn to tailor to the user

[-] Taleya@aussie.zone 9 points 20 hours ago

Those are for your watering system

[-] Taleya@aussie.zone 3 points 20 hours ago

Hold my fuckin beer friends i remember when tunguska was a 'weird alien thing' and when Ballard found Titanic

[-] Taleya@aussie.zone 2 points 21 hours ago

Wait until you hear about stitch in time

[-] Taleya@aussie.zone 6 points 2 days ago

We also never saw him dump the most unholy shit ever known to man AND catkind five minutes before Data had guests over

[-] Taleya@aussie.zone 8 points 3 days ago


[-] Taleya@aussie.zone 9 points 3 days ago

Dudes pushed more progression than obama and done it with a hostile senate. Get your head out of your arse and try looking at reality.

[-] Taleya@aussie.zone 22 points 3 days ago

How about you reward any action in the right direction because it ain't fucking happening normally no matter how many grand ideas you hold.

[-] Taleya@aussie.zone 2 points 3 days ago

We need to start calling it blue, not green.

[-] Taleya@aussie.zone 5 points 3 days ago

Rocquefort feels like one that has / could / should be used

[-] Taleya@aussie.zone 6 points 5 days ago

Productivity remains unchanged, i'm all for it.

[-] Taleya@aussie.zone 6 points 5 days ago

Looks like a Tool filmclip

Linux GUI termserv (aussie.zone)
submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by Taleya@aussie.zone to c/linux@lemmy.ml

Due to hardware reqs we're tossing the idea at work to replace the Microsoft termserv with Linux. Due to the userbase being all windows fans we'd need a full on GUI and i've been prodded towards Mint. Good idea or bad?

I've happily set up a remote kunbuntu for my workspace previously, but accomodating multiple complete linux neophytes is giving me a bit of pause.

Bit more info: The current termserv is a debloated win10 machine with the multisession registry edit. However, it's on an R515 with proxmox (and running extremely well). Due to partner network requirements, we can't run depreciated software, and the box won't support win11, and frankly, I sat the boss down and asked him if he wanted to be microsoft's bitch for the forseeable future and junk serviceable hardware. He's absolutely up to getting on a linux ecosystem, but the graphical desktop environment is non-negotiable on his end.

**EDIT: ** Anyone else looking to run this system: https://www.apalrd.net/posts/2022/xrdp_intro/ Video link at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAllRma_0xc

submitted 8 months ago by Taleya@aussie.zone to c/homelab@lemmy.ml

Based on an r210 II I'm currently doing up

random info I thought may be useful to others

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