Sorry I'm not going if there will ne owls there. They are stimky dori bo thiefs
badposting is a comm where you post badly
This is not a ! alternative. This is not a ! alternative. This is a place for you to post your bad posts.
Ever had a really shitty bit idea? Joke you want to take way past the point of where it was funny? Want to feel like a stand-up comedy guy who's been bombing a set for the past 30 minutes straight and at this point is just saying shit to see if people react to it? Really bad pun? A homemade cringe concoction? A cognitohazard that you have birthed into this world and have an urge to spread like chain mail?
- Do not post good posts.
- Unauthorized goodposting is to be punished in the manner of commenting the phrase "GOOD post" followed by an emoji that has not yet been used in the thread
- Use an emoticon/kaomoji/rule-three-abiding ASCII art if the rations run out
- This is not a comm where you direct people to other people's bad posts. This is a comm where you post badly.
- This rule intentionally left blank.
- If you're struck for rule 3, skill issue, not allowed to complain about it.
Code of Conduct applies just as much here as it does everywhere else. Technically, CoC violations are bad posts. On the other hand: L + ratio + get ~~better~~ worse material bozo
Gon git. Git oudda here!
Can confirm. Infinite recursive doribo theft caused mass explosions.
you thought you could run away from justice, but you forgot that big brother is always watching
Also waiting and commiserating
Say it ain't so
You can run but you can't hide
okay but a hexbear cube 2: sauerbraten game night would go hard (sexual style)
Go ooooooonnnnnn....
we got assaultcube reloaded tho
aiming down sights
slower movement with accuracy penalty while moving
regular assaultcube then sorry
i am so sorry please don't kill me please i feel like i have said something wrong i have retracted the upvote from my own comment so that your opinion gets seen more sorry sorry sorry
i am just having a bad month, feel free to dm me every single insult towards me i deserve it i deserve everything bad in this world i deserve what happened to me
if i could upvote your comment 50 times i would've already made my message vanish frkm existence because my own life doesn't matter
you're all good comrade I was just jesting in a mean way since I'm unfortunately irony poisoned, all cubes are good cubes
hope your month gets better
i am really bad at detecting irony, i need a metaphorical metal detector but that does not exist lmao
thanks for the kind words esoteir, all cubes are good cubes. even luanti!
Sex Cauldron? I thought they shut that place down!
you're thinking of sex mart and, yes, they shut it down. lol