[-] DragonBallZinn@hexbear.net 8 points 12 hours ago

I don't do it on purpose


[-] DragonBallZinn@hexbear.net 30 points 12 hours ago

maybe-later-kiddo: "We CaN't AfFoRd To AlIeNaTe ThE wOrKiNg ClAsS!1!1!1!1!1"

2028 is going to be Caleb Maupin on the dems and Hans Kristian Graebener on the GOP, isn't it?

[-] DragonBallZinn@hexbear.net 12 points 1 day ago

I will never stop pointing out that democrats basically GAVE two seats to the GOP. "We" are still waiting on that thank you present the GOP owes us for being good little boys. RBG wasn't even that good anyways, she's literally famous for the words 'I dissent', which is what a justice does when they LOSE.

The GOP is smart enough to work as a team to achieve their goals. Evil goals, but they're still hyper-competent at what they do. RBG stuck around for what? Literally a hypothetical chance she'd be replaced by Hilary Clinton and totally own the misogynists....who will probably be pissed for a day and then get over it? No doubt that day one of Trump's second term Alito and Thomas will announce retirement and replacements will be done within the first 100 days. They actually care about getting what they want.

[-] DragonBallZinn@hexbear.net 15 points 1 day ago

Obama is Donald Trump for blue MAGA. Biden only won in 2020 from the pandemic and Obama nostalgia. Ironically, these same people were suspicious of him during his original run in 2008 and once when they realized he's harmless, they welcomed him with open arms.

[-] DragonBallZinn@hexbear.net 10 points 2 days ago

These idiots think they’re genetically superior to you.

[-] DragonBallZinn@hexbear.net 15 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

The closest I will ever have to something positive to say about the GOP is: the do make good on their campaign promises.

GOP are ontologically evil, but will do what they were voted in for.

Democrats LIKE TO PRESENT THEMSELVES AS well-meaning, but weak-willed hypocrites that will tell that good intentions are good enough as an excuse to put up their feet and do nothing all term long.

EDIT: fixed a horrible typo.

[-] DragonBallZinn@hexbear.net 36 points 2 days ago

It always puts a smile on my face when I see Amerikans cry pig tears whenever a billionaire in China or Vietnam gets jailed for corruption.

porky-scared-flipped: “Corruption is punishable!?!? Why do those poor browns hate FREEDOM so much!?!?”

[-] DragonBallZinn@hexbear.net 30 points 2 days ago

Politicians: “homelessness? Just genocide them all, lol!”

Also politicians: “we need to do everything in our power to raise property values! Muh invoosent must go to the moooooon!”

They know what they’re doing. They just want as many poor people dead as possible, they unironically want to live in a world with only billionaires.

[-] DragonBallZinn@hexbear.net 42 points 2 days ago

Another dying dem stubbornly refuses to retire for no logical reason? Leaving a power vacuum for fascism (not that Biden isn’t plenty fascist in his own right)?

Where have I heard that before?

[-] DragonBallZinn@hexbear.net 8 points 2 days ago

I hope someone does their psychology PhD dissertation on 4chan and the brainrot its spawned in younger generations, chan culture has undoubtedly preserved boomerism by repackaging it as something hip.

4chan is the OG brainrot, change my mind.

[-] DragonBallZinn@hexbear.net 8 points 2 days ago

Yet 99% of the population is going to look at her and think "wow, what a fucking badass!" with a straight face.

Can we please bring back tumblr SJWs? It felt nice seeing someone say "no, YOU'RE INFERIOR" to them and watching people freak out.

[-] DragonBallZinn@hexbear.net 29 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Why is it that the stereotype is that liberals are smug, fart-sniffing know-it-alls?

As true as it may be, it pales in comparison to how libertarians genuinely delude themselves into thinking that everyone is braindead except for them. Ayn Rand named her ideology “objectivism” because she is that incapable of entertaining the idea she might not be omniscient.


I know a huge thing that you see online is talks about different generations, and it almost seems as if to me that for some folks, “generational conflict” has replaced class conflict. Furthermore, I worry that the American dream was supposed to die so everyday baby boomers could buy houses and see their property values go up hundredfold and invite otherwise working class folk into an “honorary bourgeoisie” system. But ultimately this is still a class struggle rather than a generation struggle. Like I’m gen Z and I do not see baby boomers as my oppressor, there’s plenty of millennial landlords ready to rip me off because LinkedIn told him to liquidate his assets’ or whatever idk I don’t speak Porkuguese.

I’m no exception, I’ve made my guesses on why any given generation is the way it is, but I can’t help but wonder when did this focus on generation over class all start? Did baby boomers grow up identifying as baby boomers, and when they were in their 20s-40s was there this idea that millennials were going to be their designated bagholders? If so, did baby boomers always have a consistent culture and identity?

Sorry if this is a dumb question, it’s just that the generational struggle seems really flimsy upon further scrutiny.


LMAO. CHUD gets what he wants and then gets bored from lack of brown people to lord over.

Whether fascists want to admit it or not, they need minorities but minorities don't need them. Ergo, making minorities superior to to white supremacists.

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