
joined 3 years ago
[–] 9 points 10 hours ago* (last edited 10 hours ago)

Corey in the House

But not it's predecessor, That's So Raven. That one is better in the original Japanese.

[–] 8 points 16 hours ago

Or you could distill the wine into brandy!

[–] 4 points 16 hours ago

Its not some quirky DIY cognac (well, brandy) kit? Its just $11 wine?

[–] 8 points 3 days ago

Dilly-dally is such a silly term but it describes the vibe of the image so well.

[–] 4 points 3 days ago

Drinking a fifth of tequila in one sitting while the song plays on repeat in your head.

[–] 8 points 3 days ago

Its Wednesday my dude

[–] 10 points 4 days ago

"We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because I am hard"

Inside Job did allude to this as one of the weird non-conspiracy, 100% real clips they play

[–] 29 points 4 days ago (2 children)

If he were to be assassinated for this, he wouldn't even be the first Kennedy to be assassinated by the volcel deep state.

That's right, JFK was assassinated by the volcel police for hornyposting on 1963's TikTok (which I assume is some sort of telegram) over Marilyn Monroe.

[–] 1 points 5 days ago

Island in the Sun is surprisingly not about Australia, much to the dismay of Australians.

[–] 7 points 5 days ago (1 children)

Not the Seinfeld theme, because I just found out they don't use a bass, it's done on keyboard.

[–] 9 points 1 week ago

I literally just rode a bike, tipsy as hell, from the bar to my place. 5.5km, from the Yangtze to inner Jiang'an, Wuhan. Shit was great.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by to c/

(meat is in the image on the packaging, and there is chicken bouillon in the flavour packet)

Context: {北京|Běi jīng} Mala Instant Noodles is a Chinese instant noodle made in {南街村|Nán jiē cūn}, a Maoist village in Henan that refused to follow Deng's liberal reforms and remained communist to this day. The villagers collectively own the Nanjie group that guarantees employment and runs over 20 different enterprises, largest of which produce foodstuffs such as beer, flour, and noodles amongst other things. The workers are paid 30% of the profits as cash and 70% is re-invested into public works. Villagers enjoy free housing, electricity, gas, healthcare, transport and education from kindergarten to university/vocational school. Furniture and essential electronics are also provided to every household for free.


My proudest posting achievement by far.


{毛主义万岁|máo zhǔ yì wàn suì}


Note: this has technically been the law for a few years but it was not enforced, esp during COVID, nor did many smaller hotels have the software needed to even enter foreign names. Certain chains had a 3 character limit on the name field and because guests legally had to register their ID, they couldn't accommodate. Other short stay hotels wrongly assumed they needed special licenses to house foreigners like long term accommodation.


On the image:

"IDF Standard Issue"

"National warranty, no transaction fee"

"Suitable for shredding multiple top confidential documents simultaneously"

And in the comments itself:

"This product is portable, can shred evidence of war crimes AND embarass Israel on international TV? This is too good to be true"


"Can I still use it if I'm not having a temper tantrum?"


"I can't fault the guy for promoting an efficient Chinese product"

manhattan it is 2022, the libs say China will not recover from post COVID lull

manhattan it is 2021, the libs say China will not recover from harsh, extended COVID lockdowns

manhattan it is 2019, the libs say China will not recover from international backlash for cracking down on Hong Kong riots

manhattan it is 2018, the libs say China will not recover from international backlash over ~~Adrian Zenz's fever dream~~ the Uyghur genocide and Trump's trade war with China

manhattan it is 2016, the libs say China will not recover from an aging population and a lack of youth to replace them due to the one child policy and wasting money on an aerospace program

manhattan it is 2014, the libs say China will not recover from Xi's crackdowns on corruption and corporate greed, military spending and renewed efforts to claim the South China Sea

manhattan it is 2010, the libs say China will not recover from wasting trillions into a national high speed rail system


Leftists: imperialists are paper tigers, they may appear frightening but if you look closely, they're actually harmless. They are no where near as powerful as they project, they are in reality disorganised

The imperialists: The 16 year old kids we keep killing are master Shinobi and can cast genjutsu and teleport. They're so skilled in the art of deception they have embedded themselves in American society posing as taxi drivers and food delivery people for decades at a time.

According to a police report, Mealor and a friend were looking for his girlfriend near a harbor, at one point asking individuals on a docked boat if they had seen her. Muller, who was on the boat, allegedly told the victim he looked “sketchy,” the report said, and ordered them to leave before shouting racial slurs at Mealor, who is of Asian descent and blind in one eye.

“As the victim and witness walked away, the defendant called the victim a ‘cross eyed g—,’” the report said, referring to an offensive term used for Asian Americans. “The victim continued to walk away from the boat, and then heard the defendant call him a ‘lazy eyed g—.’”

Muller ran after Mealor and his friend, the report said. He knocked the friend to the ground before punching Mealor with a closed fist and knocking him unconscious, according to law enforcement.

Muller had previously pursued a “stand your ground” legal challenge, a Florida law that authorizes the use of deadly force in self-defense, but the motion was denied.


It is now 2024, and therefore illegal to be white.

Please refrain from being white.

Please don't be a mayo-ass, cumskin, kkkrakkker, bleachie, wonder bread, and/or any other form of white.

Respect the law.

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