I am overwhelmed
So I have to decide between uni A and uni B. I am currently enrolled in uni B. Uni A is 20 minutes closer than uni B. Uni A also will give me a scholarship which would be about half a year of pay at my casual retail job. They also offer paid employment a few days a week next year whilst doing a project that's part of the coursework. This is seemingly a no-brainer, but part of me just wants to stay at uni B? Uni B has a few perks in terms of subject selection which could help with employment, but uni A is pretty much guaranteed experience and employment. Uni A will only let me teach two learning areas, where one I wouldn't feel comfortable teaching unless I absolutely had to, but that learning area is more employable.
The Uni A option will allow me to support myself better financially, but I don't think I'm ready to be thrown into a classroom so soon without any supervision.
I also have to remember that I'm not stuck into any of these, but I have to make a decision on which uni for this year by the end of this week.
This overwhelming paragraph represents the state of my mind right now.
Then I have to pick between piano and guitar lessons because I can't keep doing both. I think keeping piano is something I want to do because it is relaxing and I wanna learn jazz piano. I can figure out piano more on my own, although having lessons will mean more accountability. But I feel like I shouldn't give up guitar because it hasn't been that long and I haven't given it my best shot? My pinky finger refuses to cooperate, and I don't know if it ever will.