Jesus $300k for 474 square feet?
Terrible Estate Agent Photos
Terrible photos listed by estate agents/realtors that are so bad they’re funny.
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Posts in this community must be of property (inside or out) listed for sale which contains a terrible element. “Terrible” can refer to:
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the interior (carpeted bathrooms, awful taste interiors, weird mannequins/taxidermies/art, inflatable pools indoors, etc.)
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within the M25 so technically London
Welcome to European land prices. We don't have a billion acres of uninhabited wilderness to spaff giant McMansions all over.
Maybe you guys need to take a page out of the mole people's playbook and build more underground lairs. Think of all the space down there!
£300,000 - which is USD$377,700
I’d live here. (I am a vampyr)
Every time you enter the bathroom, BAM! You wonder if the rest of the house has finally shorted out your visual cortex and given you monochromacy. When you leave it, however, the assault continues. Yay?
i think it looks kinda really cool... it's just a really aggressive red ;(
I bet you couldn't even plaster over that
What's the deal with the porch/cage? The reds awful and it's like the fever dream of a scene kid playing the Sims in the early 2000s...
Catio probably. There's a scratching post in the lounge
Possibly they have a pet bird?
The red is a particularly hard shade.
Maybe they were in prison and they missed being caged in.
I assume inmates are allowed out of the bloodscape for an hour a day to sit in the sunshine and enjoy views of the flagstones and perimeter fence.
The leopard print carpeting on the stairs too is what really set this over the edge for me
For me it was the glass coffin guitar holder
If nothing else, at least the style is consistent
You're all talking about the red walls and the carpet on the stairs. Here I am thinking how depressing that concrete wasteland of a yard is.
It's honestly a shame that there are some cool aspects here and there. I like the bathroom more or less.
The brick red is relatively relaxing.
(edit: second thought, dark grey. I think I was swayed by the brick shapes, and my retina's red cones were still spasming from the other pictures)
The whole place looks like a 16 years old boy room in his band phase, oh and they sure love cats.
I live here (Im a communist)