Anyone got a recommendation for an eco dishwasher substance? Long time since I've had one. I like earth choice for floors but their dish liquid sucks.
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I use ecostore powder, it seems to work fine
Can't say as to eco, but powder > liquid.
Liquid for handwashing dishes? I used the Kin Kin orange liquid bought in bulk from FOTE and it's worked a treat. Smelled the BEST. Unfortunately they now only have a lime and eucalyptus one, I've bought some for when my current stash (lasted me 3+ years) finishes, I don't think it smells as great but I think it should be just as powerful
powder for the machine, I just use what ever is on sale for handwashing, it's all just comprox ( synthetic liquid soap ) with additives
today I made my first entry in my new art journal 🙂
Had my door open with the screen door locked for some air… sus looking dude walks past and stops to crane his neck trying to see in. Then walks on but doubles back.
Keep walking dickhead.
I finished reading Juice. Yeah... I dunno... It was a read. But not nearly what I hoped it'd be.
I felt the same. Liked some little vignettes in there. I thought the feel of the land post climate change was really good - but .... The story telling was really clunky. I didn't really care about the people? I dunno...left me...dunno...
Tim Winton?
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Does anyone have any insights or recommendations about melatonin? Might have a chat to my GP
I know some people who have used it. I have used it for a night or two as a reset but find I wake up pre dawn. Peoples' mileage varies...
As an aside I have a friend that's a long time insomniac/delayed sleep person. They have recently started drinking cherry juice at night - apparently it's an amazing natural source of melatonin and has actually helped them. This is someone that's previously tried melatonin, sleeping tablets, GABA etc and been down many medical rabbit holes so I trust they are not just jumping on some wellness bandwagon.
Thanks, cherry juice is interesting
I've used it primarily to adjust sleep cycles, not so much to fall asleep when it's late. I'd use it to start sleeping earlier in the day after several days of shitty sleeping patterns. I don't recommend using it more than 3 days in a row; I find it that it makes me groggy and grumpy in the morning. Expect weird dreams.
Also I have never bought it in Australia with a prescription. I've always bought it overseas or from iHerb.
And finally, just because a lot of formulations have super high dosage like 5-10mg doesn't mean they're better, I find the side effects aren't worth it. The recommended dose is about 0.3mg I believe. Those work well and are worth getting in the right dose, personally, even though you could save money with a larger dose and a pill cutter (I used to have either the 3 or 5mg tablets, the bottle lasted me 6 years) but pill cutters aren't precise and at larger doses you're looking at more significant differences between cut pieces (or larger amounts lost in the process).
Thanks, I’ll have a look