Musk would love to melt his enemies with lasers too.
Some influencer who were close to death from not getting likes for over an hour?
Elon is just copying Trump, just like he is copying everything.
"Let me tell you, folks, we’re going to beat this recession—big time. People say, 'Mr. Trump, how are you going to do it?' I say, 'Because I’m Trump!' Nobody knows recessions better than me. I’ve stared down bankruptcies, bad deals, terrible economies—and I always come out winning. It’s what I do!
Other people? They have no clue. Sleepy economists, crooked policymakers—total disasters. They talk, they yap, they write reports. I fix. I build. I make deals so good the economy starts apologizing for slowing down!
We’re not going to have a V-shaped recovery. We’re going to have a TRUMP-shaped recovery. It’s going to be so strong, so powerful, your wallets are going to get tired of being full. You'll be like, 'Please, Mr. President, I can’t handle this much prosperity!' And I’ll say, 'Too bad, it’s happening!'
So buckle up, America. Recession? We’re going to crush it. Nobody else can do it, folks. Just me. Believe me."
Donald Trump calling someone else a sick terrorist is quite rich. :)
Seems to be the sign of our times. Everyone points fingers at somebody else for doing what they are doing themselves, but never looks in the mirror except for their selfies.
Ive used flouride free toothpaste for over 10 years now, no problems at all with my teeth.
At this point im thinking it will be a life long habit.
Kingfisher is my brand but seems to be tons of them when I Google.
I thought it was real and it didnt surprise me. Guess my view of America has changed a lot lately.
Every Microsoft idea is always bad for Linux.