[-] 2Password2Remember@hexbear.net 10 points 15 hours ago


Death to America

i've been saying this

Death to America

rest in piss

Death to America

ok but presumably OP thought about all this before asking "how do i make my business worker owned". otherwise they'd be asking "should i make my business worker owned", which is a completely different question

Death to America

that's the opposite of the advice OP is asking about

Death to America

coming to the end of my long ass trip though south america and europe in two weeks. originally i'd planned on nine months but i miss my family and money is running out fast so six months will have to be good enough.

i'm doing well though. figured out pretty definitively that i don't want to get back with my ex and instead i want to get a remote job and then use that to get a visa to move to spain or italy, then buy a house outright (ie without a mortgage) as quick as possible. then once i've got a permanent residency (either through marriage or living long enough in the country) i should be able to start a family and only have to work part time because i wont be paying for housing. a debt-free life in my 30s is looking very possible, and that feels really good, even if there are a lot of steps and what-ifs between now and then.

also i'm now over 200 days without porn, which used to be a big problem for me. all things considered it's looking good

Death to America

1000%. retirement is a nice idea from a time gone by

Death to America

richard holeburns

Death to America

unless your somebody's boss or you're actively involved in killing people i don't really think it matters what your job is. get that bag

Death to America

[-] 2Password2Remember@hexbear.net 23 points 2 days ago

capitalism no food

Death to America

[-] 2Password2Remember@hexbear.net 22 points 3 days ago

shut the fuck up liberal

Death to America

[-] 2Password2Remember@hexbear.net 36 points 4 days ago

Iraqi breakfast is way too sweet and fat

yankkkee imperialism rears its ugly head again

Death to America

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by 2Password2Remember@hexbear.net to c/chapotraphouse@hexbear.net

Death to America


if it's boeing i'm not going

Death to America


spoilers obviously

the first 99% of the movie is a beautiful story about Delia, a woman in post-war Rome working up the courage to leave her abusive husband, Ivano. he treats her like trash and so does his father, who lives with them and their three kids. the oldest is a daughter, Marcella, who gets engaged to Giulio, the son of a much richer family, but the engagement gets broken off when SPOILER Delia detects signs that Giulio will abuse Marcella the way Ivano abuses her and then convinces a friend of hers in the US military police stationed in the city to blow up Giulio's fathers cafe.

this is incredibly based, direct action gets the goods. the movie literally shows that destroying property is cool and good. this is critical for understanding why i was so disappointed with this film

throughout the film Delia is considering leaving her husband to move to the north of Italy with Nino, a mechanic with whom she had a fling when they were much younger. the day he's leaving arrives and Delia's plans to escape go awry when her father in law dies, delaying her exit and making it impossible for her to escape to the north with Nino. at the wake, Marcella says to her friend "there's still tomorrow" and we the audience think, great, she's not gonna let this stop her, go off queen.

BUT NO. holy SHIT no. the next morning Delia sneaks out early and changes into nice clothes and puts on make-up, leading us to believe she'll still be able to find Nino. unfortunately she leaves her ticket at home, and Ivano finds it and tracks her through the city. he finds her in line to get on a train north and then BAM we find out she's not in line for a train, she's in line to fucking vote. that's right, her solution to her husband beating her and humiliating her is not to run away with a man who clearly loves her and with whom she could start a new life. no no no, she fucking VOTES her problems away, and the film doesn't even tell us who she voted for! because it doesnt matter, what matters is that you vote

FUCKKKKK they made a great movie and then took a huge shit on it in the last 2 minutes. i swear to god i've never hated a movie this much. pure blob-no-thoughts liberalism, so disrespectful to all the women who have suffered through abusive relationships. fucking sickening, 0/10

tldr: they made vote: the movie and it fucking sucks

Death to America


like in my head the four pillars of how you look are diet, exercise, skin care, and clothing/accessories. am i missing any big ones? also, where should i go for advice on how to improve on skin care and especially clothing? (i'm good on diet and exercise lol i used to see a nutritionist and she set me straight)

sorry if this is rambly and/or weird, im stoned off some weird european pseudo-weed

Death to America


i have never hated america more than i do in this moment. our government intentionally and knowingly supported torturers and murderers here for nearly 20 years, for nothing more than cold war posturing and profit for people who already have more money than they could ever spend. over 35000 people were tortured and killed - 35000 families torn apart forever - for no benefit to anyone.

words can scarcely convey the shame i felt while walking through the museum, reading copies of declassified documents detailing conversations between pinochet and the US state department. not only is the united states government the most evil entity in the history of the world, but also the people of the united states don't even care. most don't know or don't give a shit about the huge number of crimes their government has committed, and most of the rest think said crimes were Good, Actually. they're too satiated and stupified by treats to push for any kind of change in their government, let alone the complete destruction of the death machine the levers of which are in the white house.

long live salvador allende

Death to America

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by 2Password2Remember@hexbear.net to c/askchapo@hexbear.net

was discussing this with a friend of mine (she's an anarchist but she actually organizes and shit). she was saying there can be no such thing as revolutionary masculinity because the two things are contradictory. but i'm a marxist so contradictions really butter my bread.

i think in a utopian, communist world gender identity would be completely different, to the point where it might not even be legible to us today, but my question is more about how we get from here to there. basically, can we men find a way to not be shitheads in such a way as to bring about communism, or does that not even make sense

feel free to dunk on me if this is a dumb question

Death to America


why the fuck would i want to watch a show about the gilded age when i already live in it

Death to America


Death to America

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