[-] ArbitraryValue@sh.itjust.works 6 points 6 hours ago* (last edited 6 hours ago)

Then it becomes “okay, call this prick the c-word. Now I need to also cite this fact that is part of my border security answer. And then I need to talk about… jesus christ are we actually talking about global warming right now?”

That would be an understandable reaction from the average person but the president should be a lot more capable than the average person. Even if this specific sort of thing isn't something he needs to be able to handle, he still needs to handle things a lot harder than this and his performance here isn't reassuring me that he can. Trump is so predictably rude that Biden should have been totally ready for it.

[-] ArbitraryValue@sh.itjust.works 1 points 19 hours ago* (last edited 18 hours ago)

I should clarify. I'm not saying that most people who distrust the justice system are going to like Trump more after his conviction. I'm also not saying that I think he's likely to reform the justice system in a way that helps people affected by racial bias.

However, many of Trump's supporters consider his conviction evidence that he's genuinely an anti-establishment candidate rather than proof of wrong-doing. (See the variety of "I'm voting for the convicted felon" merchandise.) This attitude requires a distrust of the justice system. We've already seen that Trump's conviction hasn't hurt his poll numbers very much and that he currently has more black support than he did in '16 or '20 so I'm saying that his conviction might actually lead to a small increase in support for him from black people (the majority of whom are still never going to support him) because more of them distrust the justice system.

I like both, although yours is technically superior. The washed-out colors in the "before" picture combined with the snowy base give it a neat "walking through a blizzard" look. (I don't know if this was intentional or accidental.)

The funny thing is that $15 million dollars is not a lot of money for some people. There are a hundred billionaires living in New York City and if $15 million could "buy an election" then at least a few of them would be doing it all the time. They don't do that because it doesn't work.

Bowman lost because he was genuinely unpopular in his own district. Being a leftist celebrity didn't help him much since most of the people he was popular with weren't actually eligible to vote for him.

[-] ArbitraryValue@sh.itjust.works 30 points 2 days ago

Aren't souls canonically real in the Marvel universe? I expect that only the piece with the soul regenerates.

[-] ArbitraryValue@sh.itjust.works 11 points 2 days ago

I'm not old and I think I might forget some of the words, especially since I would be so anxious.

[-] ArbitraryValue@sh.itjust.works 50 points 2 days ago

I had the bottom bunk and there was no monster next to me...

Was I the real monster all along?

[-] ArbitraryValue@sh.itjust.works 52 points 3 days ago

Not the same thing, but I still have my old Voodoo 2 3D-accelerator card (not the same thing as a video card back then).

TLDR version: not actually 11 commandments, just an extra line break in the shall-not-covet commandment.

[-] ArbitraryValue@sh.itjust.works 10 points 4 days ago

When I bought my Windows 11 laptop a month ago, I was able to set up a local account after turning on airplane mode. (I had entered my wifi password in an earlier step since I thought it was just for installing updates.)

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by ArbitraryValue@sh.itjust.works to c/buildapc@lemmy.world

I have an Intel i7-4770 CPU (from 2013) and I don't think I have ever been CPU-bound so I would rather not spend money on upgrading it. However, I want to upgrade my graphics card to a Radeon RX 7600. My motherboard supports PCIE 3.0 which the RX 7600 is fine with.

Is there anything I should look out for? I'm worried that I'm missing something that will prevent me from running a 2023 video card on hardware ten years older than that.

(In case anyone is curious, my current video card is a GeForce GTX 960. It has been good enough for Diablo 2 Resurrected but I don't think it will be able to handle Baldur's Gate 3.)


I bought a new-in-box LG V20 about 18 months ago because I was tired of phones without removable batteries and headphone jacks. However, it gets absolutely terrible reception for some reason (as in, no signal in the middle of Manhattan). Some guy had the same problem and he soldered a big antenna to his phone to fix it. I might try to do that but given how great I am at soldering, there's a good chance I'll break the phone. Should I do it? I don't want to have to buy a modern phone with a built-in battery but I can't just have a phone which doesn't work when I'm away from wi-fi...

Cars are awesome. (sh.itjust.works)

Driving is the most comfortable, convenient, and fun mode of transportation. Walking and biking can be OK but only for traveling relatively short distances in good weather. Mass transit is inherently unpleasant. No matter how nice you try to make it (and most mass transit systems aren't nice) the fact of the matter is that passengers are still stuck in a crowded box with a bunch of strangers and limited to traveling to the mass transit system's destinations on the mass transit system's schedule. Compare this to getting into your own car and driving wherever you want, whenever you want...

I currently live in a place too crowded for driving to be practical - I get that places like this need mass transit. But needing mass transit sucks!

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