[-] ChestRockwell@hexbear.net 19 points 21 hours ago

Picking a swing state governor is the safest bet.

  1. Gretchen Whitmer (MI gov)
  2. PA gov?
  3. ?

Candidates that would still potentially lose, ordered by losing odds.

  1. volcel-kamala
  2. pete
  3. Gruesome Gavin (California governor)

All these options fundamentally suck, but Dems have options for their kind of voter.

[-] ChestRockwell@hexbear.net 7 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

You forgot Gunbuster and Diebuster.

The kind of gay one and the gayer one


The whole live is good, but I just love a stripped down ballad like this.


[-] ChestRockwell@hexbear.net 44 points 1 month ago



submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by ChestRockwell@hexbear.net to c/music@hexbear.net


Fucking jam, also, insane plot to this story. I love it.


The moment where she sings "please, please understand" is also a top tier moment.

[-] ChestRockwell@hexbear.net 52 points 1 month ago

Yea, we need that emoji. too bad you can't embed sound as well. :bombwowee

Monkey Man (hexbear.net)

Folks, it's good! Incredibly violent with some fairly decent (tho not perfect) politics.

spoilerThe inclusion of what's basically a religious group of trans warriors (that's how I saw it at least) that power up Dev Patel's character to kill cops is sick as well.


Great review


submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by ChestRockwell@hexbear.net to c/food@hexbear.net

Folks, it's good! I'm about 2/3 through the 3lb bag I ordered and just threw down for a 5lb. Eventually I need to order some in bulk to save on shipping, but I need to figure out how I'll store multiple bags (I got a large container for the beans)


Some thoughts for the comrades out there:

I think my favorite is in the moka pot. It's got a very rich body, a bit of acidity which I like, and still is nice and mellow.

However, my daily drip machine also does nicely with it. It's got less acidity in that, more just a mellow and easy to drink blend.

I do have an Aero Press, but I haven't tried with that yet. I should bust it out sometime though.

Also, it smells fucking phenomenal. Every day when I open the container now, it's like, god damn that's good coffee.

In summary, it's damn fine coffee.

[-] ChestRockwell@hexbear.net 58 points 5 months ago

My support of the Cuban revolution and Cuban people will never stop. Their based new constitution with LGBT rights means that we should, if anything, promote their model of AES more towards LIB brainworms


submitted 6 months ago by ChestRockwell@hexbear.net to c/food@hexbear.net

Excited to try. What are you preferred brewing methods for this stuff. Does it go well in a moka pot? I have a boring drip machine for my day to day, but have you done any aeropress or other methods with it that are wildly delicious?

Also, any other good coffee roasters out there worth supporting?



he has eaten the pancake


I just want to say I love our lemmygrad comrades. You've been fighting the federation wars longer than us, and I respect your posting

Have a good night lemmygrad. Let us all meet on the other side.


Oh yeah he also has a new jam riffing on rich men north of Richmond


[-] ChestRockwell@hexbear.net 56 points 10 months ago

What's your opinion on Cuba OP?

Blowback Season 4 Is Out! (www.youtube.com)
submitted 10 months ago by ChestRockwell@hexbear.net to c/history@lemmy.ml

Episode 1 here: https://open.spotify.com/show/2pibBnPuHqKr07hxEMZE41

Greatest history podcast out there. Season 1 Iraq, Season 2 Cuba, Season 3 Korea!

If you haven't listened yet, get on it folks.



Then listen to Blowback Seasons 1-3. Then listen to Season 4.

If you're not sure, here's the trailer for Season 4.

I hope to see you all on the other side comrades.

[-] ChestRockwell@hexbear.net 65 points 10 months ago
[-] ChestRockwell@hexbear.net 47 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

I feel entitled to a place to live as such. The system and its facilitators that make it precarious is the thing I take issue with.

[-] ChestRockwell@hexbear.net 50 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

My partner and I should have a 50 percent equity in the apartment she rented for 10 years. Instead we were unceremoniously kicked out last year because the landlord's son wanted to make more money.

I'd categorize the parasitic relationship as evil, but as for judging individual people for the poverty and homelessness caused by that relationship, it's more complicated as we live under capitalism.

I accept this nuanced revision to my more angry framing. I have a personal vendetta, and this is actually the correct take.

[-] ChestRockwell@hexbear.net 53 points 10 months ago

Clearly you missed the "or"? Or is the choice to redistribute resources (rather than having billionaires like Bezos accumulating wealth by theft) odious to you on the merits? I don't mind if Bezos were to turn Amazon into a worker-collective, for instance, rather than accumulate wealth extracted from his workers. Indeed, I would prefer this outcome (and it is in fact the original Marxist approach - the dialectical aufhebung of capitalism into communism).

[-] ChestRockwell@hexbear.net 102 points 10 months ago

Awoo has already noted some important refutations, but I want to unpack something here.

Landlords and Bourgeoisie are class identities. Importantly, these are not the result of things outside of your control (i.e. ethnic origin, nation, etc.) but instead determined by actions in the world. While one can't say that one is subhuman because of where they are from, isn't being a landlord (and thus extracting rent from people for shelter) a behavior? A series of actions and choices? And can't we characterize a behavior or action as evil/immoral? Basically, when I say "landlords are evil and deserve to die or surrender their assets to the collective" what I'm describing is a particular set of actions. It's not different from having an opinion on if murderers deserve capital punishment.

Btw, I believe in rehabilitative punishment. However, if we're going to talk about people who deserve to die, I think capitalists and landlords are up there. A person who kills someone else -- either due to mental illness or a crime of passion -- is far less damaging to our social fabric than people who, through institutions, contribute to the death of our world and the immiseration of many. For instance, how many unhoused people have gone hungry/died because of the executives at Starbucks who decide that food thrown out should be covered in coffee grounds to be inedible? We don't have the numbers, but shouldn't we call this behavior subhuman/evil? I think you're missing the distinction between saying the executive who designed that policy deserves the gulag -- a specific inhuman action that deserves a specific response -- and calling all insert ethnicity/nationality here subhuman.

Ergonomic Cyberdeck (hexbear.net)

Wireless corne, kailh box navies, drop mt3 cyberpunk caps.

[-] ChestRockwell@hexbear.net 50 points 10 months ago

I mean, a lot of us are pro-Cuba, which is AES and has some of the most progressive family policy in the world.

Also, your "historical" thing is just really hard to process. After all, standards change. Hell, within the "West", LGBTQ+ acceptance is barely 40 years old (and often, as we see, under attack for the gains that have been won). Was the US in the 90's really that much better for LGBTQ+ folks than the USSR before it collapsed? And while not LGBTQ specifically, the situation of women in the USSR was far superior to the West - especially in STEM..

This doesn't mean that we can't (and shouldn't) judge the lack of LGBTQ+rights in the past -- we can and should. However, Cuba's family policy shows that there's nothing inherent to communism that's "incompatible with our freedom and possibly our lives."

In summary (and here I'll post my only emoji, since there's the bug), fidel-cool

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