Yep, that's a strip mine
Nine Inch Nails. Why yes, I was in high school in the 90s, why do you ask?
Ok I have no idea where you drove through, but the vast majority of the state is woodland and wetland. I spent my childhood summers just literally wandering around the woods all day with neighborhood kids while our parents were at work.
You were in a strip mining area.
The Framingham Heart Study has entered the chat. It's really the only way to assess a longitudinal effect of this kind.
Everyone remember this post next time you find yourselves wondering where incels got the idea that they're entitled to women's affection without any effort on their own part.
Internal medical ethics controls do a pretty good job of dealing with this kind of nonsense though. You're never going to get rates of that kind of insanity to zero, and legal regulations don't make it any better.
It's based on likelihood to succeed and remaining useful life. I've had a patient in their 70s receive a kidney transplant. Ability to attend medical appointments and adhere to prescription drug regimens play a large role in approval for transplant. And I've personally witnessed major transplant teams go out of their way to help patients overcome obstacles like transport to medical appointments, affording meds, in an effort to get them ready for transplant approval.
Honestly, I wish all medical care could be as hands on and holistic as transplant is.
This is actually how it's handled in a lot of electronic medical records. There is a different indicator for sex/gender assigned at birth and current gender. I've not seen a specific indicator for intersex, but I've not encountered an intersex patient so far in my career.
Hahaha, he's great. Jimothy is one of his most common side characters. And he uses your naming convention for lots of his other side characters. Jimothy, Todrick, etc.
I believe you have been watching too many Dr. Glaucomflecken videos, my friend.
Likitung is every lesbian's favorite Pokemon. Everyone knows this.
As a person who has had many cats in my life, I am of the opinion that two cats is the best number of cats. If you can afford to care for and have space for a second cat, I'd say go for it.
If you're not really experienced with cats, be aware that cats almost never get along immediately. It can take weeks of them seeming to hate each other before they become friendly. It's helpful to put the new cat in a cage where the current cat can see and smell them, but can't reach them with claws. That gives them a little space to get to know each other before the current cat feels like its territory is being invaded.