[-] CindyTheSkull@hexbear.net 49 points 1 week ago

They'll blame it on Mexico this time around.

[-] CindyTheSkull@hexbear.net 43 points 1 week ago

Did Japan's real estate bubble crash heavily during those times?

The US reined in their vassals.


[-] CindyTheSkull@hexbear.net 18 points 1 week ago

A few months ago ublock origin wasn't working for a subset of users (that youtube was using to test features that would break ublock origin for everyone). Ublock had to do make changes to counter youtubes efforts. They did so successfully and became an even more robust ad blocker than before. If they had not, we all would have been seeing ads break through months back.

My point is that it is an arms race and so far ublock (and other ad blockers, though ublock consistently proves the best) has been able to keep ahead for the most part. I don't know for sure if this is the moment when youtube starts to pull in front, obviously I hope not. But even if they do, that doesn't mean ublock will be permanently broken. Even if ads got through for you today, it doesn't necessarily mean they will tomorrow. We'll see.

[-] CindyTheSkull@hexbear.net 30 points 2 weeks ago

Yes. It also has been shown that it uses Microsoft trackers making it a total lie that it's respectful of its user's privacy. On top of that they openly stated that they would be censoring (by deprioritization, so they say) any sites associated with "Russian disinformation." And we all know what that means. And really it just plain sucks in terms of how well it works to serve you with results you're looking for.

Duckduckgo is a bad search engine. There are plenty of other good options without having to return to google. Examples: Brave seems to be pretty good and uses their own engine while Searx (searxng) is awesome ime and aggregates from a bunch of other engines.

[-] CindyTheSkull@hexbear.net 18 points 1 month ago

You were asking about the shifting nature of the meaning of the term whiteness. Go up and read your own comment to see how you related that to authoritarianism. If you can't follow your own train of thought, then I can't help you because it makes it apparent you're not asking in good faith.

You're saying "authoritarianism = non-whiteness = opposition to the NATO bloc"

What I'm trying to explain to you is that "we" are not saying that. The people who use whiteness to justify their actions and otherize their enemies are saying that. This isn't difficult.

[-] CindyTheSkull@hexbear.net 19 points 1 month ago

Why not skip the middle step?

Go ask the NATO bloc and their supporters. The obvious and surface answer is that it has to do with making for an easy "us-vs-them" identifier. "Of course they're bad, they aren't white like us good wholesome folk are, who are inherently good and wholesome because we're white, and being good and wholesome makes us right and correct in what we do and you can tell because we're white. The ones who are bad clearly aren't like us. They're not white!" Yes, it is circular reasoning and garbage logic. But I don't know why you're getting pissy at us for that instead of the dipshits white people who keep moving the goalposts on the meaning of whiteness, as they always have done to suit their agenda. Take it up with them.

[-] CindyTheSkull@hexbear.net 36 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

This is the right answer. Several of the the comments in this thread have correctly identified climate change as an important factor, but it seems like they aren't recognizing how much of an accelerant for revolution it really is. Maybe revolution is not the perfect term here so much as radical and extreme political change because as you say, it can go in the direction of communism or fascism depending as always on the material conditions. Either way, the current status quo for every nation on the planet doesn't have long left, and its death is going to happen faster and faster in the coming few decades.

[-] CindyTheSkull@hexbear.net 16 points 2 months ago

They can take that long, even longer, but there is no law of empires that states collapse can't happen extremely quickly either. The material circumstances on the global scale that we find ourselves in are different in significant ways from the way things were historically during the collapse of the other large hegemonic empires. One of these important differences is the speed of information. And the increasing rate that climate change is drastically altering the world helps ensure that geopolitical change will also unavoidably be seeing rapid changes as a result. Don't forget what Lenin said about decades and weeks.

[-] CindyTheSkull@hexbear.net 30 points 3 months ago

I would say that your answer is hidden in the way you phrased the question.

The idea that revenge is bad is indeed liberal idealist bullshit. What matters is, as usual, the material reality of whatever the circumstances are. Will revenge being taken in the specific circumstances you're talking about end up doing more material harm than good? Revenge is not an inherently bad thing and it can be an extremely good motivating force behind very good and necessary actions. It can also be detrimental and end up harming people even in completely unintended ways, including the ones who are trying to enact their vengeance for entirely justifiable reasons.

It all depends on the situation. But I think we can safely say that revenge as an idea being either good or bad is a liberal-style framing or misunderstanding.

[-] CindyTheSkull@hexbear.net 28 points 3 months ago

Claims to have read books then proceeds to demonstrate in front of everyone that they have never read a book about the very thing they're talking about.

Even fucking wikipedia, that most extreme of pro-Russian & tankie propagandist sites, reveals how fucking unlearned and full of shit you are:

The Soviet government of the Russian Soviet Republic (RSFSR) decriminalised homosexuality in December 1917, following the October Revolution and the discarding of the Legal Code of Tsarist Russia.

The legalisation of homosexuality was confirmed in the RSFSR Penal Code of 1922, and following its redrafting in 1926. According to Dan Healey, archival material that became widely available following the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 "demonstrates a principled intent to decriminalize the act between consenting adults, expressed from the earliest efforts to write a socialist criminal code in 1918 to the eventual adoption of legislation in 1922."

[-] CindyTheSkull@hexbear.net 16 points 3 months ago

Wait, really? I must be missing something here. Even though it's surprising to me, I can believe that Canada is actually a bit worse off than the US with respect to housing prices. But not only is this a drastic difference (hundreds of percent), this graph implies that from 1989 to 2005 and again from 2008 until covid, the US had a higher real disposable income than the real housing prices and that disposable income vs housing prices in the US have been pretty much in parity the whole time. Is it something like the wealthiest percentiles are skewing the data for the US to make it appear like people in general can afford homes? (GDP shows the economy is great actually!) If that's the case, why isn't the same true of the Canadian data set?

[-] CindyTheSkull@hexbear.net 23 points 4 months ago

Let's pretend they do matter - what are they doing to fix people's perceptions that he's doing squat? Nothing. They're just banking on his "achievements" speaking for themselves instead of doing any EFFECTIVE propaganda to showcase their success.

Fuck Biden and his NON-achievments which can all be shown to be half measures at best or sheer bullshit lies at worst, unlike the many real and genuinely spectacular achievements of the USSR during the space race that they objectively won. The big difference in this rhetorical comparison is that the USSR isn't around anymore to even attempt a restoration or recognition of the epitome of real material human technological accomplishment they made. No one is "banking on their achievements" like they are for Biden's lies and no one except shitposters on a niche leftist site are doing "effective propaganda to showcase" the USSR's success. Only well researched history will do that now.

What a dogshit and misleading comparison.

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