[-] Crismus@lemmy.world 29 points 2 weeks ago

In the US, there are multiple Supreme Court precedent cases that force profit-maximizing. Shareholders can sue the CEO and board to maximize profit seeking.

So yes, increasing shareholder value is enshrined in US law. Only private corporations can get around that rule. Also, a corporation cannot be forced to break the law to maximize profits, that's just something most CEO's are willing to do for fun.

[-] Crismus@lemmy.world 25 points 4 weeks ago

Yep, I will switch to Linux before I get another OS from Microsoft. Once 10 goes away, I jump onto a Linux distribution and use Proton.

I was hoping for a Steam Created distribution to come out, but I've been waiting for that for years. I'm just too lazy to switch over before I have to.

[-] Crismus@lemmy.world 39 points 1 month ago

They forget the part where the signing bonus doesn't exist after they finish BCT.

[-] Crismus@lemmy.world 20 points 2 months ago

I wish Microsoft would force Bethesda to share their toys with other people.

Todd Howard is the epitome of the egotistical rich wannabe need who takes his toys away if someone does something better than he does.

Gamers love Obsidian's rushed bullied New Vegas better than 3, make sure they never get another chance to let someone else into their sandbox.

They try to copy Mass Effect's dialog system and voiced protagonist to do "something new" it backfires. Fallout 4 has no real tied story to it besides a few lines from a single quest from Fallout 3. The Factions are a copy and paste job based around an AI system so they don't have to write content.

I find it wasetul of Microsoft that they Purchased a studio and IP worth Billions and will allow them to gather dust for over a decade without any ROI? Why aren't they starting to force Bethesda to make something with the Fallout IP.

InXile should at least be allowed to remaster Fallout 1. They have Brian Fargo still there to oversee it. It all reminds me of Doctor Who taking a break when they were at their peak popularity, then coming back after losing most of their fans.

[-] Crismus@lemmy.world 17 points 2 months ago

Except only idiots drink nonpasteurized milk so it won't spread to the general population. Or we already would have had a pandemic.

Using our standard protocols works, no need to fear.

[-] Crismus@lemmy.world 23 points 3 months ago

6 months. First login only access then gone.

[-] Crismus@lemmy.world 17 points 3 months ago

Which is very helpful when their security carries guns and won't be near grappling range.

If the collapse comes, all the rich people will be booted outside their nice bunkers and starve.

[-] Crismus@lemmy.world 28 points 5 months ago

I was raised to be ashamed of anything I enjoyed. So I damn well am going to hide everything from anyone who knows me.

I'll be in my corner with the rest of the abused people, alone.

[-] Crismus@lemmy.world 23 points 9 months ago

I survived on one meal a day at McDonald's when I was stuck doing day labor in Seattle around the 2002 crash.

Back then it was actually cheap to get enough food to survive on for under 5 bucks. I remember the 20 cheeseburger and hamburger deals they had twice a week.

The price increases to cheeseburgers really hurts, when that was usually my main dollar menu deal.

[-] Crismus@lemmy.world 41 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

TL/DR: I tested out of almost 3 years of High School classes in a week to graduate. The next year the canceled the program to test out of subjects you knew.

I went to an alternative style high school and spent my sophomore and junior years doing no real work. I spent most of my time managing the business computer lab and doing special projects with the Physics and Chemistry teacher.

A lot of learning IT was what I learned by doing in those computer labs. I even was part of a group that created a PowerPoint Presentation with manual animation to help secure some funding for the school.

I also showed them their flaws in the grading system when I hacked into their electronic database system showing how easily it was trying to help my friend out when he was accused of changing his grades. Because of that, they banned me from using any computer unsupervised and moved everything in the labs back to Windows 3.1, after I had moved everything to Windows 95.

The problem was that all testing was done on their computer systems, and I was effectively banned from being able to finish the 2+ years I was missing. I ended up dropping out to work tech support at a local dial-up ISP that was at a computer store. When that fell through, because I was unprepared to manage the entire tech support group at 17 I signed up to join the Army.

The Army needed me to have a High School diploma, so I needed to go back to the school with only a month

I found out that they allowed you to test out of each module if you believed you knew the subject. If you passed the final exams, you got to have that grade in the .125 credit module. 8 tests per semester class. If you failed the test, you had to redo all the actual work.

I ended up doing 8 hours a day of supervised testing, since I was still banned from touching a computer without a teacher watching. It took about a week to take every test for 3 years of High School so I could graduate. I missed graduation because I shipped out once I secured the paperwork saying I was going to graduate.

The next school year they didn't allow people to test out of classes. You were required to do all of the homework before taking the exams.

[-] Crismus@lemmy.world 15 points 11 months ago

I just really noticed how mild and wet this summer has been in Colorado Springs. As expensive as it is to live here, we're not roasting to death like the Southeast.

Plus we keep getting all of the regional fast food in one location.

[-] Crismus@lemmy.world 13 points 11 months ago

Totally understandable incompetence from the military.

I think I only have a few original pages from my service. Most just disappear.

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