
joined 1 year ago

One time I needed to move from a daily pill to an injection for one of my meds, but by the time we got the prescription and emergency appointment, the pharmacy either had just closed or was about to. Mind you, I was inches from a crisis, like, I was honestly thinking if I couldn't get on the mend that night I was going to need a hospital. Then insurance decided they didn't want to pay for it. Thankfully the doctors were willing to give me a free sample, so I was able to get the injection that evening. It was a rough night, but I was getting better. Also insurance ultimately did start paying, but not until I had used all the free samples they were allowed to give me.

[–] 7 points 3 days ago

So you'll invite the underrepresented, marginalized folks and share a loving community free from private property; everyone sharing everything freely? Of course we'd like them all to believe in Jesus, but we won't hate them if they don't or try to shove it on them either.

[–] 22 points 3 days ago (1 children)

We are this close to entombing our presidents in a golden throne and worshipping them for millenia.

[–] 6 points 1 week ago

I have a vague memory of a spaceship. Maybe i was firing a laser? I remember it being hard at first, but I Got Gud, and as an adult people are impressed with my typing speed.

[–] 5 points 2 weeks ago

Eh, it was already there. Lots of racist and eugenics ideas swirling around mew age beliefs.

[–] 7 points 3 weeks ago

I like these, but as a sometimes manically inquisitive folk I love the last one a lot.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago

To be fair, I have had some issues like my screen not displaying anything all of a sudden using Arch, but I think that was more NVIDIA's fault. Adding a boot parameter ended up fixing that.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago

The main hospital I've been to I don't think is actually religious-themed, but I find myself distrusting it anyway because I live in small-town, Midwest. My psychiatrist doesn't know I'm queer because I fear his reaction. The hospital assures you that they will not discriminate, but it has "My I don't discriminate shirt is raising a lot of questions the shirt should answer" vibes. Also I have a fairly stigmatized mental illness and have had inpatient stays because of it, so I definitely don't trust them having seen that side of them, but I feel that applies to pretty much any hospital. Long story short, I don't really trust hospitals in general, not just religious ones.

[–] 5 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I would be a little careful calling all these things narcissism, though. Narcissist personality disorder is a real thing, and people have no control over that. The harm these people cause to other people is not a result of mental illness, but as you said, a series of systems that discourage treating people like people and more like commodities.

[–] 5 points 1 month ago (3 children)

Getting real academic larp vibes from them. I'm not exactly an expert, but something feels very wrong.

[–] 7 points 1 month ago (5 children)

Yeah, this article definitely gives me the impression that this person doesn't know what they're talking about. Hyping up how the parents feel shame for yelling and completely overlooking the shame imposed on the kid? In fact, completely overlooking the kid altogether?? The only time they mention doing right by the kid is in context of doing right by the parent. But yeah spanking is just wrong: getting angry and hitting your kid seems like it has a different term associated with it. And yelling fails to effect positive change, and easily causes negative impacts. This reads as someone trying to justify old-fashioned (and almost always wrong) methods using new-fashioned ideas of authenticity and avoiding shame.

[–] 5 points 1 month ago

"You're a medical anomaly, you really need to stop trying to challenge god!" Beautiful writing!


Hopefully I'm preaching to the choir and the main response from everybody is that this is obvious and didn't need to be said.

I read a few comments from some gross cishets about how angry they are about the female Custode. They prop up the Imperium of Man as though they are some paragon of morality and not the picture of everything wrong with imperialism. Naturally this perfectly moral force would have only men in its ranks, clearly! They don't seem to realize that if women are left out we have a sexist/mysogynist system which is not worth praising, and if they include women then it's the imperialist machine trying to keep up appearances. Frankly, I've always figured the Imperium didn't care about gender or race because everyone is suitable to die in combat and be ground into food for the starving populace.

tl;dr Men are upset that women exist and missed the whole satire


I notice a lot of people use terms like "psychotic" or "psychopath" as insults and negative descriptions on here. These are clinical terms that are used to describe real people with difficulties, not boogeymen! I don't disagree with the sentiment that these people are doing wrong, but if you wouldn't use the r-slur or "autistic" as an insult (which you shouldn't) then you shouldn't use these words either. And I get the idea of calling someone delusional, but take care that you don't just mean "I disagree with them." Though by posting on neurodiverse I imagine I'm preaching to the choir.

Sincerely, a casual schizoaffective disorder haver.

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