[-] DirtyPair@hexbear.net 32 points 5 days ago

officer-down HAPPY SUNDAY officer-down

[-] DirtyPair@hexbear.net 35 points 5 days ago

god forbid children do anything


some of you aren't tankie enough...


look at this cute picture of kim

:chompski: (hexbear.net)
submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by DirtyPair@hexbear.net to c/emoji@hexbear.net

gnome, chomsky, noam

[-] DirtyPair@hexbear.net 41 points 1 week ago

all that hype made me think "man these things must pose a major threat to important plant life!" only for me to get hit by

Spotted lanternflies have “the potential to affect the entire winegrape industry,” CAWG wrote in its press release.

not my treats!!!!

[-] DirtyPair@hexbear.net 55 points 1 week ago

huh wow maybe we really are putin bots...

[-] DirtyPair@hexbear.net 43 points 2 weeks ago

if this happened in china the executives would be executed

:allies: (hexbear.net)
submitted 3 weeks ago by DirtyPair@hexbear.net to c/emoji@hexbear.net

could've at least put some effort into it... looks like shit

hexbear-gay-pride hexbear-pride hexbear-trans

[-] DirtyPair@hexbear.net 51 points 1 month ago

>named unruffled
>is clearly ruffled


there are some good users there that occasionally post here but if db0 has revealed themselves to be a full-on reactionary things from that instance will only get worse

[-] DirtyPair@hexbear.net 78 points 2 months ago

struggling to accept that this is a real picture of china. it literally looks like those ridiculous sci-fi city concept artworks... but it's just China.

photoshop some flying cars in and we're set.



Get a grip guys dont wait for your government to act. I've sent hundreds of parts to Ukraine if you want to contribute and have a 3d printer let me know I'll help set you up. I have a bunch of 3d printers and pallets of filament coming in. Logistics is the main bitch but that's something I worry about if you decide to work with me and are in the US. If you are in EU most of your countries have hubs I can give an adress to and help you ship your prints. I mostly specialize in miscellaneous drone parts.

You are not powerless western man despite all the bullshit you are told.

they also ask for volunteer fighters. you can also sign up

If Russia wins, it will be because the West allowed it to happen or is too cowardly to take decisive action. There's no way Russia can win any war where the collective west is serious about defeating them.

So, what exactly the flying f*ck are we doing?

Letting it happen is what we are doing. USA is the military factory of NATO and it went AWOL. Europe cannot magically grow factories that it doesn't have and USA isn't sending what it has in storage and queue to receive new stuff from US factory is around 5 years if you order today. Get used to the thought that we let Russians get what they want.

They want all of Europe.

Why can't the EU buy 1000 stored Bradleys from the US and send to Ukraine? And air defence. We've waited for the US to get the promised aid going for six months already, it's about time we did something about it. Also, the US should get their shit together.

The us should get OUR shit together? We’re literally the only reason Ukraine hasn’t been bulldozed. How about Europe steps up?

[ableism I'm not going to repeat here]

Ramp up aid. What's taking so long? We can do more!

did you donate today?

same old shit, but it's still good for a laugh

[-] DirtyPair@hexbear.net 44 points 2 months ago

get a real job

[-] DirtyPair@hexbear.net 56 points 3 months ago

yes. don't go on reddit. brainworms

[-] DirtyPair@hexbear.net 49 points 3 months ago

Great American Firewall type shit


you're either with us or against us. sus-soviet

[-] DirtyPair@hexbear.net 42 points 3 months ago

you can aspirate vomit and dry drown in your own barf while sleeping.

don't get my hopes up like this angry-hex

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by DirtyPair@hexbear.net to c/the_dunk_tank@hexbear.net

some highlights (you've been warned)

I don’t begrudge the people who don’t want to vote for him. For those who see their vote as support and complicity, I understand the reluctance. If Biden suddenly said fuck gay and trans people tomorrow, I would not be a happy camper. I would not be happy voting for a politician who hates gay people and deny them their rights.

But I would still do it. And I hope everyone who doesn’t want to vote for him still comes around in November to reluctantly do so.

I honestly don't even know what to say about this one... liberalism means voting against gay marriage for the sake of preserving the liberal democracy that... ends gay marriage...

Maybe I’m just getting old, but I have no problem seeing the vast difference between the two choices we’re going to be given in November.

No matter how much the children in the room piss and moan, there are realistically only two choices - 3rd party candidates only exist to spoil it for whomever they’re ideologically closer to of the two “real” candidates. Furthermore, Biden has turned out better than I expected - and I’m a Bernie Sanders kinda guy!

smuglord the grownups in the room have to make the hard choices and get shit done

Absolutely [I would vote for Joe Brandon]. There’s no other reasonable option. There are other options. None of them are reasonable.

commiting genocide makes you a reasonable option

And let’s not forget the right-wing trolls that shill the propaganda that feed the leftists rhetoric.

the anti-facists are the real nazis

Man I just want to vote for a better candidate not strategically vote so the worst one doesn’t get elected. Why tf isn’t Trump in jail yet

a lib gets so close to understanding

Sometimes life is about making the least worse decision rather than the best one.

and liberals can't help themselves maybe-later-kiddo

I vote for Pedro

this lib teleported in from 2004. one of the more reasonable comments too

Imagine how cool it would be if the choice was not between Donald Trump and Joe Biden but instead between Gavin Newsom and Nikki Haley.

i can't do this anymore even the libs downvoted this one I'll let you enjoy the rest... if you dare


Cuz shits starting to look like WWII up in here and I’m gonna be super pissed off if we don’t all show up to put the almighty nope on this fascist bull shit!!!

I’m voting. To quote the Dead Kennedys “nazi punks fuck off”.

these people realise brandon is a democrat, right?


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