[-] DragonTypeWyvern@midwest.social 2 points 11 hours ago

There are also plenty of things in science that are taught that are technically incorrect, but give you a working model that you can build on later. The atomic model being a rather typical example.

[-] DragonTypeWyvern@midwest.social 7 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Hospitals won't accept paid blood transfusions, but there are two paid markets for what they CALL donations but are sales.

If this person was talking about paid transfusions there's a subset of parasite that literally just pays young people for elective red cell transfusions. This was actually a plot point in Silicon Valley and it wasn't a bad depiction of the relationship. Basically, it makes the recipient feel a little more energetic because that's literally how blood transfusions work, but these old leeches think there's something special about it

The other is just paid plasma. It's got a lot of use in industry but regular apheresis is both time consuming and much more risky than they pretend, so they have to offer financial incentives. This blood (plasma) is NOT transfused directly, it is used in various industries for anything from hemophilia treatments to makeup.

Direct transfusions have a higher risk to the recipient so accepting paid transfusions is just not worth it if you have any choice at all, and the nature of paid plasma products demonstrates quite readily why it's an unacceptable risk, even with improved testing. Hemophiliacs were actually the highest risk group during the AIDs crisis by 3x the rate of gay men. You simply cannot trust people to be safe with other people's health when money is involved.

Don't think too much about the implications for for-profit healthcare as a whole.

[-] DragonTypeWyvern@midwest.social 2 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

He very publicly doesn't, and has called Bibi's government racist war criminals.

Why would you assume he would?

[-] DragonTypeWyvern@midwest.social 8 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Yes, yes, we all know what happens when you scratch a liberal but it's better than not having to scratch to find it. Even if all that's holding the powers that be back is a skin-deep veneer of civility and deniability a vote to strip that veneer away makes you a fool, not a revolutionary.

And it will be again in 2026. And 2028. And 2030 if those don't work...

The Nazis are in the Reichstag. It ends with the death of the Republic or a civil war, period.

I'll vote for a senile old man who wants universal healthcare and won't help do a genocide any day of the week.

I'll also vote for a senile old liberal who's the opposite of both of those things when the alternative is a fuckin Nazi, but that doesn't mean I'll be quiet about my displeasure.

I mean, I think it devolved into a literal mental breakdown at the end. That or it was just a freeform poem all along.

Bro's protest voting when the ~~Weimar~~ American Republic has Nazis on the ballot and thinks building "grassroots support" for the twentieth year in a row justifies it when the world is about to run out of time anyways

You want Green candidates? Tell them to run as Democrats or make a fucking militia.

The reality is that with the Republicans embracing fascism America will not recover without the candidacy of another FDR, someone who voters can not only want to vote for but will replace any overly partisan Congresscritter that opposes his agenda.

That's not happening. Period. Maybe the Democrats will win this year, maybe not, but in 2026 and 2028 they'll still be ratcheting America to fascism regardless with their neverending deluge of "moderates" that are always a little more right than before in an appeal to voters who want a dictator instead of picking candidates their base actually wants.

This road isn't ending well no matter what happens.

Yeah some treason is cool

Like, yes, Trump is a traitor, but the real problem is he did it for the wrong treasons, making him trash.

Trump's lies were more obvious than normal. So there's that, I guess.

Maybe they just related to someone having trouble keeping up with a yelling idiot liar?

She's mad that Papa is violating the social rules about giving his children any hint of physical affection.

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