
joined 1 year ago
[–] Drunemeton@lemmy.world 14 points 9 hours ago

You don’t think wars fight themselves do you? Or that munitions self-assemble do you?

The lower class exists to keep the middle class in line so that the upper class can continue to make money. And the upper class, for now, requires human capital to do the work that makes them money.

Human capital thst’s educated enough to work the machines but not educated enough to know that they’re being exploited, and hence rebel.

[–] Drunemeton@lemmy.world 4 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Yeah, but wouldn’t he have to steal the same truck at the same time for it to be considered the same crime?

Otherwise he just really seems to like that truck he keeps stealing.

[–] Drunemeton@lemmy.world 11 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Well, I for one am glad that’s settled and Israel can stop now…

[–] Drunemeton@lemmy.world 2 points 1 day ago

While you’re there try the Apple Fritter! It’s like monkey bread* made with apple cinnamon bits, then deep fried and dipped in glaze.

*=Monkey Bread is just pull-apart bread made from large chunks of dough.

[–] Drunemeton@lemmy.world 9 points 2 days ago

Is that Ed!? Holy shite he’s really changed his look!

Tap for spoiler/s

[–] Drunemeton@lemmy.world 2 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Nothing beats a Pizza Hut Pan Pizza, so they get my vote!


[–] Drunemeton@lemmy.world 11 points 2 days ago (1 children)

I wish people would realize that terraforming is the only way we’re going to colonize other planets.

Sci-fi showed us landing on Earth-like planets and making a new home. Reality will show us dying in a completely alien biosphere as bacteria and viruses we have zero resistance against ravages our bodies the moment we’re exposed to it. And we’d expose the new biosphere to pathogens it has zero resistance to.

We might be able to adapt by living in a protected environment (i.e. our biosphere) and slowly exposing generations of our descendants to the new biosphere. But many, many of us would die in the process. Not to mention genetic mutations.

[–] Drunemeton@lemmy.world 79 points 2 days ago (41 children)

Okay. So how do we turn it off!? I’ve read nothing in my Samsung manuals about this “feature” and here no instructions for turning it off.

[–] Drunemeton@lemmy.world 7 points 3 days ago

This is a NSFW link: Str8UpGayPorn and covers the issue surrounding “Seth Rose” as mentioned in the OP.

[–] Drunemeton@lemmy.world 2 points 4 days ago

I wholeheartedly agree!

I guess they just don’t have any other curated content to fill that space… /s


Good morning everybody! I have a cheap 4-port USB-A hub connected to my Mac Studio, and after many issues where my computer won't wake up and then won't find the external boot drive, I've figured out that it's the USB hub!

Since it's USB-A it need not be fancy, or powered, etc., I just need it to not crash my computer. What do you use? Do you have any issues? Would you "recommend it to a friend"?

Thank in advance!


To save time running a game I thought it might be handy to have a pre-generated list of die rolls to use during encounters. A spreadsheet like Excel seems to be an ideal place to do this, but my knowledge of this type of app is sorely lacking in just how to do this.


Please note the PFS tag. This needs to be a Rules As Written (RAW) discussion.

When a Druid uses Wild Shape they're using Polymorph to change, let's say into an Animal Form as an example.

First off Mark Seifter has previously confirmed in a How It's Played interview that you can use Handwraps of Mighty Blows to determine (from Wild Shape), "If your unarmed attack bonus is higher, you can use it instead." (With the caveat that it can't be the same, but must be at least 1 point higher than the battle form's attack modifier.)

The Polymorph traits states, "If you take on a battle form with a polymorph spell, the special statistics can be adjusted only by circumstance bonuses, status bonuses, and penalties. […] Your gear is absorbed into you; the constant abilities of your gear still function, but you can't activate any items." (Emphasis is mine.)

Please take a moment to look at Animal Form and note what's covered under "statistics" (the first bullet list), and what's listed under "specific abilities" (the second bullet list).

So that seems very clear that even if Handwraps allows you to use your unarmed attack bonus, its Item Bonus won't apply. But I have a few questions about other things:

  • What about feats, like Fleet (+5 to your base speed)?
  • What about Runes, like Striking or Crushing?
  • What about magic items, like Goggle of Night (which grant the sense Darkvision)? (And remembering that magic items change size to fit the wearer.)
  • (Plus things I'm sure I've not considered, so please mention them if applicable!)

To me it seems that:

  • The "statistics" mentioned: AC, Temp. HP, Senses, Listed Strikes*, and Athletics* (*Both have a specifically mentioned override if your own is higher) cannot be changed unless it's by a Circumstance and/or Status Bonus, or a Penalty, since these are specifically called out. But,
  • The "specific abilities" mentioned: Speed, Strikes, Damage can be changed since these are not specifically called out.

Does that sound right?

I just rebuild a 5th level character as a Wild Shape Druid and woo boy this stuff is a lot to wrap your head around. Thanks in advance for sharing your experience and insight on this matter!

2023-08-27 Update: I've found a Paizo forum post by Michael Sayre (Design Manager) about how to handle Battle Forms (https://paizo.com/threads/rzs43e5b?About-official-clarifications-erratas-and-FAQS#44):

"Battle forms? Is the number you're looking at granted to you by the spell? Then it can only be affected by circumstance bonuses, status bonuses, and penalties. It doesn't matter what the thing you're trying to add is, only that it's not one of those things. Is it a number you got from somewhere else, like your normal AC or attack modifier? Then it can be affected by the things that normally affect those statistics, including item bonuses from handwraps of mighty blows and whatever other effects you have that normally change that number or are called out in the effect that let you take on the form. Half the confusion on this front is specifically because Mark gave an "unofficial" answer outside of the FAQ and errata process that ended up being thrown around to muddy the waters, which is exactly why official answers like that are kept to FAQ and errata releases by policy."

So that clears up a lot of the questions I had about Battle Forms, and u/Spuddaccino@reddthat.com was correct in that everything listed is a "special statistic" as far as what can be changed.

However the thing you need to ask your GM about is anything (like a Fire Rune) that adds "additional damage" as that's not an official game term.


I just downloaded one and, unless I'm missing something, the file is missing the usual, "Permission to print for personal use…." text.

Perhaps Paizo has a standard statement somewhere else that these can be printed? Without the ability to print these I'm unsure, outside of VTTs…maybe, what their use is for GMs.

I purchased one to try out, and was planning on having it printed on a large-format printer at Kinko's. However without that statement/release I can't see any commercial provider touching these for printing.


Just what the title says.


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/1028124

So I understand that until you get your first magical staff. you make do with the makeshift one you created.


  • Do you have to have to expend a spell slot in order to cast cantrips from the makeshift staff? The linked rule says you don’t have to expend any charges, which seems to imply that the staff must have a charge in order to cast any cantrips.
  • I assume that once you add the cantrip and 1st-level spell to the staff they can never be changed. The text on page 142 of the APG doesn’t say that you can, but I’m new so don’t know if there’s some other text elsewhere that allows this.
  • If true, and considering that these spells can never be changed, I’m thinking of Shield and Mage Armor as my spells. However reading through spells True Strike also seems to be a good option. Although not sure how good that would be for my Illusionist specialist (with Enchantment as other spells I’m focusing on). Thoughts?

Thanks in advance for any guidance you may have!


Just finished a PFS game and my PC is Enfeebled 2. How do I get rid of this before my next session?

Thank you!

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