
joined 1 year ago
[–] 4 points 1 year ago (1 children)

should know this already. :)

What in the gosh darn condescending non sequitur is that? I have a special kind of dislike for people who, instead of trying to promote learning for anyone and everyone at any stage, instead choose to ridicule people for having missed some trivial detail that has about as much in common with Bash as does COBOL (basically nothing). Web scripting is, unsurprisingly, its own skill, and it's very, surpassingly, extremely, stupendously, and obviously conceivable that someone could have years of Bash experience but only recently started putting around with scripting for things like API access or HTML parsing. But you should know this already. :)

It's a road on a man-made land bridge before and after this aqueduct. In this shot here, it's a bit hard to see, but the road is actually on a slight angle to make more room for the aqueduct. The walls around the road are only for this section, as out of frame the road is almost certainly on top of your bog standard land bridge.

[–] 7 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I never remember this happening. Unless the Kazon make a return in S6/S7 (as I haven't finished those yet), the closest thing was the Silver Blood Harry™ (died with the rest of the duplicate ship) or the Deadlock Duplicate Harry™ that replaced the Harry that was killed when attempting to repair a hull breach.

Everyone knows the old rhyme, "Step in a cargo hold, break your back."

I did a reverse image search, and I guess it's by someone named Moosoppart.

They even have a page about the past tense written in the past tense.

[–] 9 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Isn't that a stylistic constraint of all Memory Alpha wiki submissions?

[–] 9 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I'm just glad that I can resell microphone windscreens as Tribble plushies if I ever need another source of income.

I've been meaning to watch more of the show, since I really love the Handyman Corner segments.

I had no idea FOSS tax software was a thing. Huh. I'll try and play around with it at some point and let you know.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago (2 children)

And so do the Red Greens.



A community about origami, on Lemmy. From what I can tell, this is the very first community of its kind on Lemmy; a bit surprising, if you ask me. I've been getting more into trying to fold my own origami designs, and I run the instance where this community is hosted. I guess you could say my stake in the community is two-fold, but I wish to build a community that's more than paper-thin. If you like creating origami or want to learn more about it, please stop by. I'll probably release the first of my freely-licensed designs here, assuming I can create anything that isn't an eyesore. It would be cool if others did the same, but a place to share knowledge and cool folds is the real end goal. So, that's really it: origami, but on Lemmy.


This community was one of my main motivations to start a Lemmy instance. I'm a moderator of a few smaller tech/creative subs, and wanted to properly maintain a corner of Lemmy that felt a bit like Reddit. NormalCity is proving to be a fair bit of work, but I think it's worth it.

The Vaporwave Art community here on Lemmy is moderated by the same people as the subreddit, and NormalCity (our home instance) is hosted and operated by me. The goal is pretty simple: a place to post vaporware artwork. We don't really have too many criteria, and have a pretty strong legacy on Reddit of hosting weirder, more experimental artwork than some of our larger counterparts. I'll admit: I don't really like people telling me what is and isn't vaporware. I think the community can figure out what it likes, for the most part. So, if you're still looking for a just-visual-art place to dump your vaporware-inspired work, stop on by. I promise we won't bite, unless you post Outrun. We'll probably bite then.


I'm having this error most of the time I try to comment. It seems to be because I can't manually select the comment language like I can on the web UI.


Hey all,

Assuming I can get this to go through, how long will my new instance start federating properly? I did the curl tests, and I'm getting back proper JSON. I also see a few posts appearing on my timeline, but things still seem a bit wonky. Also, do I need to ask other instances to add this instance to their allowlist, or will things sort themselves out? I was also under the impression that placing no servers in the allowlist would put the server into "open" mode, which is my goal. Does it work that way?

Thank you,


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