So we will need another sticker to cover MS logos on every keyboard?
You got lucky. I also bought the wireless dongle and my phone was not compatible. Only the latest phones are but the requirements are nowhere to be found. I also tried a simple phone with android Go but turns out Go does not support android auto at all. This is also not said anywhere on android auto page. Now I have another ohone and a cable and it does mostly work but the voice assistant (like the most important feature when driving) is buggy, the screen gets all messed up from time to time, support for it in apps is still not great and of course it all goes through google so bye bye privacy. Of course it's better than the infotainment systems that all the car brands had because it's does support more apps and the big car display is better than phone holder but overall it still sucks. A truly open standard that would let phones just display stuff on the car's screen and get input from it would be so much better but of course there's no hope for it.
Because people don't use garbage technologies? Ever heard of Windows? Internet explorer? AOL? Butterfly keyboards? I guess not.
Android auto is, to put it lightly, shit. The compatibility issues itself are enough to make one vomit (try finding out what's required to use wireless connection) but once you manage to connect it it just gets worse and worse. I would not put it on my main phone even if it did work. Instead I bough cheap stock android phone and got a cheap, data only SIM (€2/month). The phone stays in my car, is not used for anything else and doesn't have any personal accounts. I'm fairly happy with this setup.
We're talking about safe spaces again. Some people are hyper sensitive to things other people can tolerate just fine. It's tricky to protect those people without criminalising behaviours that are harmless in normal circumstances. Once you criminalise everything everyone can become a criminal.
It's like every day I'm learning about new thing that just works in Europe but is completely broken in US. Are they choosing wrong solutions on purpose?
For virtualization.
The original value was based on ad revenue which is down now. It has nothing to do with VC hype or non paying users.
IDK, personally I find it funny that people making shitload of money only because of their faces are suddenly discovering they are not that special. Like the songs made with AI auto tune that are getting more plays than originals. Hilarious.
Where do you use it? Do you have to use different computers at work or do you just carry your keyboard with you all the time in case you have to use some friend's computer?