[-] HEXN3T@lemmy.blahaj.zone 1 points 3 days ago

So, to be clear, Bluesky is not a knee-jerk reaction to Twitter's enshittification and is actually very good?

[-] HEXN3T@lemmy.blahaj.zone 1 points 4 days ago

Or Startpage. Mojeek. Searx. Qwant. The lot..

[-] HEXN3T@lemmy.blahaj.zone 1 points 4 days ago

Okay how in the blazes do you embed a GIF

[-] HEXN3T@lemmy.blahaj.zone 2 points 4 days ago

Seems like a much more expensive method compared to a simple projector. Also, a screen would still display a HUD. A HUD isn't a technology, it's just a means of displaying information.

[-] HEXN3T@lemmy.blahaj.zone 2 points 4 days ago

Entitlement. Simple as.

[-] HEXN3T@lemmy.blahaj.zone 2 points 4 days ago

Why does it seem to be getting more traction than Mastodon? Makes no sense.

[-] HEXN3T@lemmy.blahaj.zone 1 points 4 days ago

I wonder if it was done to dozens of them

[-] HEXN3T@lemmy.blahaj.zone 6 points 6 days ago

OOOHHHH so THAT'S where that pre-cracked egg comes from. I didn't know that was a whole joke account and store.

[-] HEXN3T@lemmy.blahaj.zone 39 points 6 days ago


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