[-] Hexphoenix@hexbear.net 26 points 4 days ago

rat-salute tell the mystery force responsible for the mystery thing good job

[-] Hexphoenix@hexbear.net 19 points 4 days ago

Adrinth ads are fully compliant with GDPR, CCPA, and other privacy laws, and fall under the Acceptable Ads Standard. There is only ever one per page, they are less than 120 pixels tall, and they are separate and distinguishable from actual site content.

I strive to take an ethical approach to beating you over the head. My bludgeons are not poisoned and they never weigh more than ten pounds. Please stop wearing a helmet.

[-] Hexphoenix@hexbear.net 13 points 4 days ago

A benevolent dictatorship is obviously the most effective form of government, the problem is that any dictatorship can be used for good or evil and no matter how benevolent your queen or dictator or whatever you call her is, she's gonna die eventually and now you're rolling the dice. If you get someone less benevolent, system's a failure. If you get someone just as benevolent but less competent and they get deposed, system's a failure. And that's assuming that the system even survives succession rather than devolving into old-school feudalism or capitalist 'democracy' or ancap utopia or whatever in a power vacuum.

The only way to ensure a benevolent government remains long-term is by spreading the power out enough that the system can shrug off the deaths and retirement of individuals and keep going along some plan that exists beyond any one person

Okay, you say, so don't have a dictatorship of one benevolent queen but rather of a benevolent group acting in the best interests of the people. And this has the same pros and cons, but both blunted. It's good at what it does as long as the group remains truly benevolent, but any organization can decay and become corrupt and, in a sense, die just like our hypothetical good queen.

So if we just keep following the logic down, we end up at the idea that the group responsible for the wide-ranging decisions affecting everyone's lives should ideally be accountable to, more or less, everyone. If the ultimate goal is for the government to act in the best interests of the people, it follows that it is the people who should be the best judge of how well the government is working. If it stops doing its job properly, it is the people who notice. So it should be in the hands of the people to correct it.

[-] Hexphoenix@hexbear.net 48 points 4 days ago

UBlock Origin has retorted that the sponsorship affiliate links fit the Easy List definition for an advertisement and therefore they will not make an exception.

Completely and obviously correct. These are ads. The job of ublock origin is to block ads. The ads are being blocked, the software is doing its job, the advertisers can get fucked. Ads are brain-pollution and displaying them to me should be considered assault.

If you want my money tell me why I should pay you and I'll consider it, fuck off with the ads

[-] Hexphoenix@hexbear.net 16 points 4 days ago

Ok listen this one can't be true, like if he said that then he made it up. Because you literally can't fuck a chicken, that kills them very quickly. People have tried, and they don't try twice lol

[-] Hexphoenix@hexbear.net 27 points 4 days ago

If you're literally shoplifting to get enough food, it shouldn't be too hard. Food staples are not especially closely guarded (the way electronics and whatnot are) and they're cheap enough that loss prevention people aren't going to focus too hard on it.

If I were in a food-precarious situation I would just make a habit of grabbing a chunk of extra food any time I'm buying food. Leave it in the cart or your own bag or whatever and if you get caught by Paul Blart well then you just forgot to ring up that one, no big deal.

I'd look up what amount of theft (in $ amount) constitutes a felony and then be careful to never steal more than that from one store, not even over a period of months or years. Cause those wannabe piggies will be more than happy to let you cross that line and then get the cops involved

[-] Hexphoenix@hexbear.net 21 points 5 days ago

Just plop Israel right on top of Berlin. Give em the entire city, any suburbs, whatever. People are there already? Guess it's time for them to move. Wouldn't want to be antisemitic

[-] Hexphoenix@hexbear.net 33 points 5 days ago

Well the second question is probably just availability. There are dogs everywhere and a lot of people straight up harass you if you don't have or like dogs.

[-] Hexphoenix@hexbear.net 36 points 5 days ago

And meanwhile I'm sitting at work in the evil empire sicko-wistful

[-] Hexphoenix@hexbear.net 22 points 5 days ago

Drink lots of fluids, piss like a race horse, and go work out. Burn fat. Sweat. Seriously, get out there and run every day. This is still probably doable but you gotta put in some effort

[-] Hexphoenix@hexbear.net 26 points 5 days ago

Yesss dude, fuck yeah, send in some Americans to the meat grinder! lets-fucking-go

[-] Hexphoenix@hexbear.net 46 points 5 days ago

I love his cohost sitting there like "holy fuck I didn't know Linus grew up in the 1940s"

What linus is actually trying to say is very true though, it's wild how pervasive that particular word was not even that long ago. Like back in 2013 it was still pretty much normal for most people

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