Hao did you like it?
I do hear she had quite the radiant personality.
Similarly to how the old crone said I'd be the one to rule the world but in reality all I do is fix sorting machines.
You sticky pickle - AJR
Sorry if you get a double reply, I wanted to confirm what I said. But yeah, on Sep. 2nd retired general and 24th national security advisor for the president, Mike Flynn, was on Infowars claiming Liberals planned to have 8 years of Obama followed by 8 of Hillary.
These people are so desperate to be oppressed.
I mean now it just seems like you're trolling. Literally the only time I see Hillary come up these days is in right wing memes and whining. Maybe we just live in different dimensions.
Doesn't matter what you call yourself, you're still singing the same song.
It's the shit you clowns have been whining about. It's your thing. Sad that you can't even own it. But then find me a Republican who's honest and consistent and I'll find Santa.
Okay buddy. Whatever you gotta tell yourself. Why don't you go enjoy some buttery males?
Like... Is there anyone at this point who's not aware that companies would literally be happy to slit your throat and make your dog watch if they thought it'd make them a little more money? They are, by design, heartless machines intended to soak up money no matter the cost. And that's objective fact. That's just what they do, that's what that machine is for. And yet people continue to act like this isn't the case.