[-] KhanCipher@hexbear.net 4 points 2 weeks ago

So, how were each of your Corvettes best Corvette?

[-] KhanCipher@hexbear.net 3 points 3 weeks ago

SF5 happened about 10 years in-universe before 6, and 3 happened in between 5 and 6.

Also Bison has "died" like at least a handful of times now.

[-] KhanCipher@hexbear.net 2 points 1 month ago

In order from left to right. Wolverine, Archer, Warhammer, Griffin, Rifleman, Crusader.

It's pretty easy to guess if you know the Japan BT art didn't do any chassis past original printing of TRO 3025.

[-] KhanCipher@hexbear.net 2 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

It's hideously bad here, thinking about it now the entire game seems to be built for the people who complain about plane games being about 'circling around and around shooting at dots on the screen' while missing that's kinda the point and also being incredibly reductive and showing they didn't actually play the game. Kinda like when someone complains that a mech game doesn't control like a normal shooter, I want to grab them by the shoulders and scream at them that's the point and that if it controlled like a normal shooter it would just be a hideously bad shooter.

And I just remembered the worst part of the game, the fact that there's 2 turret sections in this piece of shit disaster of a train wreck, not counting the AC-130 mission. Netting the minigun turret just as much attention as the two helicopter missions, 3 if we want to count the AC-130 as a turret section.

[-] KhanCipher@hexbear.net 4 points 1 month ago

I would say it's one of two or both of the following. Firstly being that movies (and to a degree TV shows) have a hefty bit of prestige heaped on them by society, the same way that old paintings and sculptures have prestige. And that video games are still treated like children's toys by society's 'arbiters' of what is and isn't high art. A way to put it would be to compare something like the oscars (or even the emmys) to the whatever the equivalent for games have, just watching and comparing is night and day. One puts up and really cares about the aesthetic of legitimately caring about it's art form, while the other is still largely an advertisement vehicle.

The second reason is unions, essentially because if a studio decides to remaster an old movie, they may as well go out of their way to get the guy who directed it and ect. on board because they likely have to pay them anyways when it hits store shelves (for example like $1 per dvd sold, and movie ticket sold so on and so on. Though not that exact amount but you get the picture).

[-] KhanCipher@hexbear.net 4 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Mechwarrior 5: Mercenaries has a kind of weirdly restrained straight-faced satire going on

This is kinda a new thing for Battletech in general, especially for a game taking place around the time spanning the 3rd and 4th Succession War. Which is a bit strange as BT lore is normally not written like that. Like in the actual handbooks (that were written in the 80s and 90s) straight up portrayed Davion and Steiner as right and just in starting the 4th Succession War.

Let's not even get into the whole premise of the universe is literally just 'Oops, the Roman Empire fell because Space Hitler got power, and now everybody started fighting for control of that chair and thusly lost a lot of tech along the way'.

[-] KhanCipher@hexbear.net 2 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Honestly considering the players here, how history will remember this could very well depend on who wins in the end. As I can see the US outright doing suppression of info via jailing and executions, under thinly veiled curtains of 'national security'.

[-] KhanCipher@hexbear.net 2 points 3 months ago

At this point it feels like the execs wants to do all this anyways, but have decided to use Zaslav as the designated fall guy.

[-] KhanCipher@hexbear.net 3 points 4 months ago

Cyber Sled, and F-Zero AX.

[-] KhanCipher@hexbear.net 2 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

I know, it's like when I tell people the real reason why that gundam overwatch game shut down was because Overwatch already exists, and to most people if you want to play overwatch you go play overwatch. Sorta the same thing with Hawken, I remember people saying it'll be able to "compete" with Mechwarrior Online... and yet one game is died for entirely predictable reasons and the other is somehow still going, went into mantinence mode, then came back putting more maps weapons and other content in.

[-] KhanCipher@hexbear.net 4 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

I> How the fuck do you even use optics to disguise this!?

"Palestine isn't a recognized nation, thus the Geneva Conventions don't apply to them."

That's my guess, as funny enough there is a semi similar event in battletech lore where Liao used similar reasoning ("they didn't sign the Ares Connections, so thus it doesn't apply to them") when they went and nuked the Taurians at some point.

Now, how much would anyone buy that shit is left up in the air.

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