Every time you enter the bathroom, BAM! You wonder if the rest of the house has finally shorted out your visual cortex and given you monochromacy. When you leave it, however, the assault continues. Yay?
I find myself hoping the artist was behind and so repurposed a picture of Reed Richards by drawing a pair of horns on the head, sketching some underwear on the outside, and painting it all red.
According to Green's Dictionary of Slang, it can mean many things. In this case, I'm betting on:
pipe, v.(3) 1. to look over, to inspect. 2. orig. of a detective, to follow, to pursue; to spy on. 3. to understand, to work out. [with US examples 1882-1962]
I believe so. According to Green's Dictionary of Slang, it usually referred to an obese person (or group thereof), but being used to mean "beefy" doesn't seem too far removed.
beef trust (n.) [ironic use of SE beef trust, a conglomerate of beef producers/processors; orig. late 19C carnival use, created by showman W.B. ‘Billy’ Watson (born Isaac Levy; 1852–1945), who thus named his sideshow of grotesquely overweight women, the term was later adopted in his burlesque to describe a chorus-line of notably large girls; Watson also created the chicken trust, composed thin and reportedly beautiful women]
- (Aus./US) an obese person, a group of obese people [with examples dated 1914-2002]
And the gloss. That receiver looks so smoooth.
True, he's been blind since birth, but that doesn't mean the buffalo wasn't great.
Yep, truly a disgrace. No boob-chasers at all in the theatre or movie industries. Especially not among the guys in charge
She must have been was attacked by the Evil Mad Upsticker What Upsticks At Midnight.
At first I misread this as him wassailing her drawers. Not sure if that would have been better or worse...
I have to think the plot was setting the guy up as a raving lunatic--what other kind of person would berate someone for NOT storing their sweaters in their underwear drawer?
Or at least 79 of their personalities!
Whomever you can? You'd rather have an aneurysm than talk to either of us? I knew I wasn't your favourite, but....