I hope they don’t start using ML or my name, otherwise I’ll be ruined.
More cheat codes for console
Instant travel speed for the lift
lift.y = 0; lift.speed = 30;
Allow up to 100 workers on the first floor
shafts[0].max_workers = 100;
Allow up to 10 workers per shaft
for (let i = 1; i < max_shafts; i++) shafts[i].max_workers = 10;
Despawn all workers
shafts.forEach((shaft) => { shaft.workers = []; });
Accelerate the game x10 (this might be more power hungry)
Array.from(Array(10)).forEach(() => animate());
Get paid $10 for hiring a worker (you pay $5 and receive $10)
shafts.forEach((shaft) => shaft.workers.push = function () { score += 10; return Array.prototype.push.apply(this, arguments); });
Cool game OP :)
1290x2796 (iPhone 15 Plus)
1920x1080 (1080p)
3840x2160 (4k)
Light (post)
Putting aside awful battery life, how do you feel about the new customization features?, specifically, do you like the new control center?
Oh, I guess it’ll take some time to them to get it polished. Btw, did you have to download the models or were them included within the update?
And they ask you how are you, and you just have to say that you’re fine when you’re not really fine, but you just can’t get into it because they would never understand.
I’m still waiting for an appropriate moment to say it aloud.
Would you mind reporting back (in a few days) how is the battery life? I’m kinda concerned about it.