In order for groups to function, the people that make them up have to operate in a sufficiently shared reality. The best one of those to operate in is, of course, actual reality. The more you deviate from that, the less cohesive your organization is.


Yesterday, I made bad decisions. I may make bad decisions tomorrow. But today, I made a decision that was slightly better than it could have been, and I’m calling that a win.

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by Nougat@kbin.social to c/showerthoughts@lemmy.world

And vice versa.

And also "shower."

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by Nougat@kbin.social to c/USpolitics@kbin.social

We didn't realize that the 2016 election was the most important election in US history on the basis of "US v. Fascism." That was the frying pan; this is the fire.

Let's drop the pretense: There will be violence in the last two months of 2024, no matter which way the election turns out. The choice in this election is whether you want the violence to be against a democratic government, or in the name of a fascist government. All other questions are noise.


[-] Nougat@kbin.social 196 points 5 months ago

Ashcroft: "Are you scared of the truth?"

Sanchez: "Oh, I am not terrified of the truth at all, seems like you might be."

You need to watch those clips in the Xitter link. Sanchez is on fucking fire and does not let up.

submitted 5 months ago by Nougat@kbin.social to c/USpolitics@kbin.social

If Trump is ineligible via #SectionThree, then aren't Haley and DeSantis also inelgibile, having promised to pardon him? Aid and comfort?


submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by Nougat@kbin.social to c/nostupidquestions@lemmy.world

That's what my brain wants to know.

Edit: I know you would die, but I need someone to put together a Mythbusters-esque test with a pig stomach or something.

More important edit: DO NOT DO THIS DUMBASSES

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by Nougat@kbin.social to c/til@lemmy.world

The character Archie Bunker in All In The Family was originally offered to Mickey Rooney, who declined. Carroll O'Connor lived in Europe, and accepted the role only because he thought the show would fail and he could go home, so much so that part of his contract with Norman Lear included a return plane ticket to Rome so that he could fly back when it failed

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by Nougat@kbin.social to c/kbinMeta@kbin.social

Over the last few days, there's been an increasing problem with spam accounts from lemmy.blahaj.zone. It seems like they're working on addressing this issue, at least in a one-at-a-time fashion, but it's clear that they have not been able to proactively prevent the problem yet.

Of specific note, these accounts are posting links to offensive images. kbin.social doesn't display these images inline (at least not for me), which is nice, but the fact that they're being posted anywhere feels like a liability concern for kbin.social could be raised.

I don't pretend to know what can or should be done to address this. I just wanted to bring it up, because @ernest should know about it.



Here's another spam account. (lemmy.blahaj.zone)
submitted 7 months ago by Nougat@kbin.social to c/main@lemmy.blahaj.zone

Good luck with dealing with this

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by Nougat@kbin.social to c/newcommunities@lemmy.world

Original Documents
Original Documents (kbin link)

While journalism is certainly valuable for adding context and insight around news stories of the day, it's also important to have the documents being referred to at hand. This enables you to find bits that don't come up in reporting, and compare the reporting to what was actually written or said.

At present, my posts have been centered on the many high-profile trials going on in the US, as there tends to be both a large amount of documents and reporting thereon. But there is no intention to restrict content to that.

[-] Nougat@kbin.social 203 points 7 months ago

Somebody is going to have to die in order for nothing to continue happening.

submitted 7 months ago by Nougat@kbin.social to c/politics@kbin.social

A career military officer who went from fighting in Iraq to serving in the White House as a national security adviser, Vindman acknowledged that he is a newcomer to Virginia politics.

submitted 7 months ago by Nougat@kbin.social to c/politics@kbin.social
[-] Nougat@kbin.social 236 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Also a pastor, "shot himself in front of police during a welfare check." It also appears that his wife was aware and involved with the hobby (not with the suicide), presumably in a supporting way.

I may disagree very strongly with this guy's politics, but fuck the assholes who make this shameful.

@Poutinetown quotes from the article:

... even though it does not appear [Copeland] had taken any public positions against LGBTQ issues that could be construed as hypocritical.

[-] Nougat@kbin.social 176 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

DeSantis claims to have violated the United States Constitution.

Article I, Section 10, Clause 3 of the United States Constitution:

No State shall, without the Consent of Congress, lay any Duty of Tonnage, keep Troops, or Ships of War in time of Peace, enter into any Agreement or Compact with another State, or with a foreign Power, or engage in War, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay.

[-] Nougat@kbin.social 204 points 8 months ago

You should be using all lanes of traffic, and zipper merge at the end.

[-] Nougat@kbin.social 187 points 8 months ago

McCaul went on to call the tactics despicable and added, “If this is the level of my party, I think it’s in the gutter and we need to get out of the gutter right now.”

Hey, McCaul - you can get out of the gutter any time you want. If that is the level of your party, and you continue to carry water for them you are complicit.

[-] Nougat@kbin.social 148 points 8 months ago

During a break in the trial, Trump vented his anger, saying, “The government lied… They didn’t reveal all the evidence that made me totally innocent of anything that they say.”

So your defense attorneys certainly will, right? And you'll be completely exonerated, right?

[-] Nougat@kbin.social 147 points 10 months ago

The only thing a supervisor should be saying to "I need to take time off to address personal health concerns," is "Take as much time as you need, your health is most important."

The only thing a supervisor should be saying to "I fainted, and my doctor has put me on medical leave," is "Take as much time as you need, your health is most important."

[-] Nougat@kbin.social 236 points 10 months ago

Private business, police are not a protected class, the end.

[-] Nougat@kbin.social 210 points 10 months ago

That's because your IT department hasn't turned all that crap off with group policy.

[-] Nougat@kbin.social 181 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

The tastiest part here: Violation of the Georgia RICO Act carries a minimum five year prison term. If you are convicted of racketeering in Georgia, you are going to prison.

[-] Nougat@kbin.social 260 points 11 months ago

No, I'm sure that's a "silent majority" of users who support everything that Reddit The Company does banding together to stamp out the minority of noisy rabble-rousers. /s

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