[-] Num10ck@lemmy.world 8 points 1 hour ago

its surprisingly a nothing burger. from 50+ feet away a nude elderly man looks quite similar to a nude elderly woman. the breeze is the best part.

[-] Num10ck@lemmy.world 3 points 7 hours ago
[-] Num10ck@lemmy.world 9 points 7 hours ago

i'm trying to imagine a fediverse shopping setup where vendors and shoppers are globally trusted in an unhackable way. i'm guessing blockchain is involved?

[-] Num10ck@lemmy.world -2 points 11 hours ago

why is the APnews website so terrible that it heats up my phone?

[-] Num10ck@lemmy.world 5 points 11 hours ago

time invested is his love language, time intentionally poorly invested must be love if its not annoying.

[-] Num10ck@lemmy.world 2 points 11 hours ago

start working on a social experience VR app, with an acquaintance that could become a friend.

[-] Num10ck@lemmy.world 1 points 1 day ago

MrBeast hide and seek series.. it's weirdly engrossing.

[-] Num10ck@lemmy.world 46 points 2 days ago

smart doorbell that takes 25+ seconds to fire up a video feed, and errors out most of the time. (Original Ring doorbell, received when they bought out my kickstarter Doorbot and bricked it)

or the Lockitron smart door lock from Kickstarter which took like 6 AA batteries and couldn't muster the strength to unlock the door more than like 3 times.

but least they worked together in failure.

[-] Num10ck@lemmy.world 21 points 2 days ago

First Alert, ask questions later

submitted 7 months ago by Num10ck@lemmy.world to c/avelon@lemm.ee

when watching an embedded video in avelon, its streaming smoothly while buffering, but the spinning loading icon is in the middle of the screen, blocking the view.

the yellow progress bar is already indicating the buffering, so couldnt we just remove the loading icon so we can see the content?

submitted 9 months ago by Num10ck@lemmy.world to c/collapse@lemmy.ml

Thought you guys would appreciate this

battery drainer? (lemmy.world)
submitted 11 months ago by Num10ck@lemmy.world to c/voyagerapp@lemmy.world

When using voyager app via testflight i'm noticing my battery usage is heavy, the % drains rather quickly. Are you guys noticing this too? i turned off 'allow background usage' on testflight and that didnt help.

Worth a shot (lemmy.world)
submitted 11 months ago by Num10ck@lemmy.world to c/pics@lemmy.world
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